P-61 Black Widow


New Member
Mar 10, 2011
After the introduction I left, Who would have thought that my first build would be exactly what I said i prefered not to do : AN Airplane lol. Well I went to the hobby store and picked up the kit I felt I would get the most out of, and it happened to be this awesome Black Widow kit. Started assembling it and was very impressed with the level of detail (its the Revell 1:48). Gotta paint the flight deck before I do more assembling so once thats done there will be pics up ASAP
lol Can do! I am having trouble hitting up some of the ridiculously tiny details in the controls, but I can nail some of the buttons with a paint-covered toothpick and I got the whole deck painted and washed.
The kit :

I put together the interior and painted it up (just a tad blurry :p )

Then I got the fuselage and the wings, and put down a coat of Testor's Olive Drab.
I wanted to do camo, simply because i have never painted camo before. I didnt have masking tape at the time, so I took an Xacto blade to some cardstock and ended up with this:

I simply taped that as flat and smooth as i could to the wings and painted over then with a greenish brown color. I like the results, but I messed up the transparent pieces a little so theyre kinda ugly. its on the "things to work on " list lol:

since the pics were taken I have camoed (even a word?) the other wing and did the fuselage by hand. Painted the bottom of the wings brown and added the double tail. once i get the little pieces and parts on i will paint the rest and add decals, taking pics whenever i remember to. Hope you like
sorry about the hiatus, or MIA as som ewould prefer. Will have pics of the finished p-61 up as soon as possible.
A good option for painting camo is Silly Putty. Just mold it around the wing where you want to mask, and paint. It was the easiest masking job I have ever done.

Looks good!!

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