Opening stuck paint jars

the Baron

Ich bin ja, Herr, in Deiner Macht
May 12, 2009
Hi, all!

Watching Scott's GeeBee series, and seeing him have to really wrench to get that paint bottle open, reminded me of a tip I'd like to share with you.

I keep a rubber jar lid grip pad in my tool box, for just such an emergency. You can get them at the supermarket, but I've actually never bought one-I've loaded up on free ones that various businesses gave away as little gifts. They really help to grip the lid, and I always try the pad, before escalating to pliers (a last resort).

Hope you find it useful!

It also helps to run the lid under some hot tap water for a minute or 2. This can expand the lid away from the jar some and make the underlying paint a little gummy so it will give.
set your jar down upside down then drop a little thinner around the cap wait a few seconds it will come right off there is no jar to strong for this trick ;)
I have found that taking a rubber band and putting it arround the cap works wonders. Very easy and cheep method. If you cannot get a good enough grip on the jar then put a rubber band on both.

HTH and God Bless,

MrNatural said:
set your jar down upside down then drop a little thinner around the cap wait a few seconds it will come right off there is no jar to strong for this trick ;)
Beat me to it! This one works best for me. Especially on plastic lids.
Use Vallejo, covers never get stuck, and glass bottle won't shatter (because it is plastic) if the cover is every a little "tight"
i just throw my paint bottles into my vice and very slowly tighten, and turn
i just throw my paint bottles into my vice and very slowly tighten, and turn

I did that once on a particularly stubborn jar of Testors. No amount of hot water would enlarge the cover enough to get it to come off, on goes a pair of channel locks to help it along. I was smart enough to use a towel to grip it, and while the cover did come off, so did the neck of the bottle with it. I was lucky in that instance, but I have heard many stories of bottles shattering in a person's hand putting too much pressure on the cap with a pair of vice grips or channel locks.

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