New Toy 1:1 Scale :)

This is just my 2 cents here. I have to start off by saying that I did not grow up with guns in my family and I currently do not own a gun but I am in the process of seeking out a class that teaches proper gun handling and safe ownership practices. That being said I believe in the right of gun ownership. I believe there are a number of reasons a person should want or need to own a gun, ranging from self-defense, hunting, collecting etc. To each his own. I do not think "guns" themselves are the problem, I think lack of education and training on proper gun ownership is the problem (that is with the majority of the population) The other problem is that there will always be a criminal eliment that has access to guns. Here in California it is ridiculous the steps you have to go through to buy a gun legally, yet there are still convicted felons who can get them without a problem. As long as there is a portion of the population who live outside the law, there will always be people who have guns. This is even the case in countries where gun ownership is banded for the majority of the population, they still have gun violence.
i dont think anyone in ireland was murdered last year buy gun fire, i mabe wrong on thies but if there was it was very little, Less guns in any ones hands is defo the way to be, now i know there is hunting guns and such but being able to but a gun like badgers for home defence is a a little scray.
noname said:
For some reason I thought it would be easier to buy a gun in the US. I mean it probably is isn't it?

I hear what you are saying TBadger. I'm glad I don't live in a place I have to worry about such things. This topic is always so out there for me. Not of my world. You are not allowed to carry a gun around here. And I really like that. ;D

Do they have gun crimes in Canada?
Hey Spud, with all the intended respect possible here (just a talk between buddies) do you know anything technical about guns or baggers AR? It looks pretty intimidating and such but at the end of the day its still a gun. I don't know effectively make my point, but if you campair a 30 ot 6 (a popular hunting rifle) to an AR, the reality is they are both leathal weapons. There are pleanty of differences but the both shoot bullets, my question is why should one be legal while the other is not?
Yes of course there are gun crimes in Canada. I've already stated that. My point being, and I think Spud's as well, is that populations that have more guns floating around generally have more gun fatalities. I'm quite aware that there are lots of people who have guns for hunting and whatnot and are very responsible. But, the more guns in peoples hands, the more gun violence. The more crack and coke you have in peoples hands, the more drug related violence. The more fast food places in a given area, the more overweight people. And the more pencils you have laying around, the more pencil related fatalities. :p

Again TBadger, just trying to have an intellegent conversation here. Sorry, probably should have not posted anything in the first place. I do realise you were just showing everyone your new toy. I guess to some of us it is a very unusual toy.
Adam badgers gun is not a hunting rifle this we can agree on. But if used I'm sure it will do more damage than a 30 ot6,

I'm not trying to piss anyone off I'm just saying owning that kind of gun is crazy. But end of the day if a bad guy wants one I'm sure he will get one.

And yes I know very little abut guns, but if I lived any place that has them legal I would know a lot more about them.
Alright Fellas, I think all of us, if not most of us can agree on one thing... Guns, tanks, bombs, basically things that go boom and bang make pretty good subjects for building models!!!
spud said:
Adam badgers gun is not a hunting rifle this we can agree on. But if used I'm sure it will do more damage than a 30 ot6,

I'm not trying to piss anyone off I'm just saying owning that kind of gun is crazy. But end of the day if a bad guy wants one I'm sure he will get one.

And yes I know very little abut guns, but if I lived any place that has them legal I would know a lot more about them.

Why wouldn't it be? Before they were made restricted here in Canada, I used to take my Uncle's AR-15 out to go hunting with. Deadly accurate within 300yards, great for varmint hunting.

As far as being more powerful than a 30.06? Not even close

Here is a good comparison shot:


On the far left you have the 7.9X57mm, next the 7.5X55, then the 30.06 (biggest one there), then the standard NATO 7.62X51mm, next the 7.62X39mm (used in the AK-47 and SKS), and finally on the right, the NATO 5.56X45mm (what TBadger's rifle is chambered in).

TBadger's rifle, makes little boom (but lots of them) but doesn't go far, 30.06 (say in a Garand) makes big boom, goes much farther, but less ammo.
lol, I saw my uncle open up the guts of a deer like a water baloon and send him a-ss over teakettle about four feet in the air with a 30 .06, an AR 15 ( not much different than a 223 varmit huntig rifle ) would probably go right through the deer, who get scared by the bang and run until it bled out.

Dont be fooled by a some fancy bolt on parts, replace those with a mahogany stock and you've got a nice accurate groung hog gun. This isnt some fully auto Rambo assault rifle.

As far as not saying anythin Matt, why? No ones getting upset, its a civil conversation from what I saw, just because some of us understand that the gun is just wearing really cool clothes making it look like some crazy assault rifle, when its clearly not doesnt mean you cant gve your thoughts. Pencil fatalities eh? I thought your comment about being happy your neighbors didnt have guns said far more about your opinion of your neighbor than anything gun related. :p

*edit forget the 223 reference, didnt see the .308 bit on me phone but still...

Id much rather get a AR15 round in the shoulder than have a 30.06 take it off! Seriously, this thing's a .22 on steriods.
Id much rather get a AR15 round in the shoulder than have a 30.06 take it off! Seriously, this thing's a .22 on steriods.

Yeah, no kidding....both will kill you obviously, but if hit in an appendage, the .223 (5.56mm) is going to hurt like a bitch, but you will likely live, 30.06 (same for a .303), you and your appendage are probably going to part ways, and if you are lucky, you get medical attention before you bleed out.
That's a nice gun you got there Badger! ;D I like guns as well they are just fascinationg however they are designed to kill, animals or people. Therefore I think you should bring a lot of respect for the weapon and most of the people have not the proper education to handle a gun. This is what scares me!

I just give you an example for that:

When I was in the Swiss Army "Rekrutenschule" ( I think you say "Bootcamp" right?" ) We learned how to handle the AR with dummies (fake bullets to learn how to fix a jam) so when we discharged another recruit took the barrel of my gun, pointed it to his head and said "Watch where you put you gun, idiot". It made me very angry since afterall it's a gun and not a toy. Of course there were no bullets in the mag. however if something had happened I'd be the one responsible. Or the one having to live with the guilt.

What I want to say is. Guns yes, but only for those who know what they are doing and those who bring the respect it takes to handle a gun without anybody getting hurt or killed. (At least not innocents)

I have no problem with collectors, or hunters or just people who want to defend themself. But they need proper education. I have fired a gun and I know what feeling it is. Wouldn't want to miss it! You just have to be responsible and then it's no problem.

@spud and noname
Well what you are saying is only partialy true. In Switzerland you can't carry a gun in public. However almost all men between 18 and 40 have a gun at home, the army rifle(so don't mess with a swiss ;) ;) ) And we do not have that many shootings and murders with guns. But they do happen as well. Mostly with old army guns.

Another point is if you have a gun( or you know one in your family who has one it you commit suicide more often. See this link

Thanks for reading.

BTW. this is the SIG 551 the Swiss army rifle.
Most AR-15's nowadays are actually used for hunting and competitive shooting. I COULD use mine for home defense, but it;d be faster to use my Glock .40 caliber or my Mossberg 500 Rolling Thunder to take care of it. To quell any arguments, my PRIMARY use for this guy is for fun at the range, learning proper marksmanship and to further my military qualifications. I use fully automatic versions of this in the service. Mine obviously is only a semi automatic, so no ratatatatat. Only one bang per trigger pull :( Conserves ammunition though, and if I can say one thing, ammo has almost DOUBLEd in price here in the US since 2005.

So I think perhaps my thread title of "toy" was a little juvenile but I think we are all entitled to our opinion. I further encourage those who dont like guns or are afraid of them[ not pointing fingers] to take a course, try one out a range under supervision, go "plinking" with a small caliber .22 or an AR and dollars to doughnuts there be a smile on your face once you start hitting your targets :)
Na, I could of had a couple of my dads guns when he moved away. Didn't want/still don't want any in my house with my son around. I see guns as an easy way to kill people. I see a gun, I see death. Just the way I am. Just not into things that hurt people. I also have a big quarrel with the food industry. It does the same thing in a less obvious way.

I don't get your comment "don't mess with a Swiss". You guys seem proud of your guns. Anybody can shoot a gun. I'm more impressed with someone who can take another down with their bare hands. Alot more skill involved. The media has so much killing and guns in it these days. I think this all desensitizes a culture where a gun is thought of as cool and a sign of respect. I personally think there is a big difference between fear and respect.

Ken, I was apologizing to TBadger as I thought we kinda took over his thread. Should have left it to you gun folks. I just enjoy talking politics and philosophy etc. :)

I stick to my opinion, and I'm still happy I don't live in the wild west. ;D
Okay BlackSparrow I see why you say that. Most Swiss have guns in their homes. Why would anybody want to invade the Swiss?lol
Lol Scott i ment one was ment for Hunting while the other wasnt.

Badger i get using it on a range and having fun, that i wouldnt mind doing my self but we dont have gun ranges in ireland ;D were lucky to have paint ball guns ;D
Hey Spud can't we just blame that on the English???? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Sorry, I couldn't resist. ::)
I own a few guns too. I love shooting. Targets, not critters. It's kinda funny how a gun looks make people think it's more dangerous than another gun. A gun is a gun. I have found people that disliked guns, actually like them after they have been properly trained. And when they learn that the people who do own guns legally, aren't the whackos their fears/ridiculous movies/TV/radicals portray them as. You guys should come shooting with us. We'll defend the world from the vile clay pigeons!
I didnt know the gun laws were so strong there. I'm kinda of ignorant to the facts, but does it have to do with the IRA and battling forms of domestic unrest ?? I mean, thats just the general idea I get from popular broadcast media.
lol no the IRA were up the north of ireland so i doubt that is the reason, tbh ive no idea why they are so tight but imo its a good thing, as we are a small country. Gun ranges would be a good idea but knowing the muppets over here they would try rob them on a daily basis.

lol adam i doubt they have much to do with it, But we do have a select few cops that carry them but only in the back of the car and not in public show unless needed,

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