Lighting for the first time


New Member
Mar 22, 2010
Hi all, I am taking the plunge and lighting some kits for the first time. I am wanting to light the K7, 1/350 refit, among others. Where is the best and least expensive place to get LED's. I was hoping places sold kits of different types of them but cant find them anywhere. Anyone have suggestions? I know I sound ignorant about this subject but I am so it fits. Thanks again and God bless.
I buy most of my stuff off of Ebay. 100 LED's for $8 US and that includes shipping. Most of the sellers I buy from are in China. There are a few US sellers, but the prices are higher. The larger lots, will allow you to mix colors, and if you watch, you can find sellers that will include resistors for a specific voltage that you get to specify. (For example: Most sellers will allow you to break up the order into any color combo you would like: they will let you choose 20 red, 20 blue, 20 yellow, and if you want 40 green.)

There are also three different sizes of LED"s 3mm, 5mm, and 10mm. You probably won't have a use for the 10mm, so avoid them, and they are expensive compared to the others.

I would avoid places like Radio Shack, they charge $2 for one LED.

Other places to look are Digikey, who will ship to individuals, I have used them before, but their website is not user friendly, so you really have to know what you are looking for before you go there. And I have heard that Jameco electronics does the same, but I haven't used them.

and look at this page:
Those Cold Cathode tubes are getting harder to find since people don't mod computers with them anymore and have switched over to LED's. I will have to visit them soon!!