Iron Man to Alt War Machine-Stormhawk


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2009
All right, this one's intended to be a quick project to tide me over until the SMA Group Builds start up.

I'm starting with the Moebius Iron Man kit, and fitting it out with some modifcations to pose, details, and weapons loadout.

Box art:

Obligatory sprue shot.
This one started out as the clear kit that Moebius did as a special edition for Wonderfest a couple of years ago.
I picked it up because it was cheaper than the opaque kit.

For the new weapons loadout, I'll be using various weapon bits from the smaller Iron man toys, as well as a cannon from the GIJoe line.

Subassembly work is done, although the seams need some work still.

The video explains in more detail what I have in mind for the project

YouTube link:
Iron Man to Alternate War Machine-Part 01
This is going to be awesome! Iron Man is probably my favorite comics-movie so far, and I loved the design of his costume a lot. Can't actually wait to see, how weapon modifications are going to look on him :)
Thanks for looking, guys.
I'll see what I can get done on him tomorrow with the seams and initial weapon mounting
Looking forward to it. Mounting that gun on his arm is a good decision IMO. Looks like it grew there.
Was kind of my thought, too, Scott.

Makes me really glad for the versatility of Aves
Okay, after some seam work, basic construction is completed.
The only major mod I've made to the kit at this point is modifying the angle of the laft arm and the position of the right hand


Using Aves Apoxie Sculpt, I've gone in and mounted the new weapons.
The ball joint on his right shoulder is for the big gun.
I have also filled in the "Arc Reactor" on his chest, and sculpted in a visor to replace the eyeholes in the Iron Man look.

The "big gun" has been modified by my drilling a good sized hole for a mount, and then building up more mount with Aves.


Youtube link:
Iron Man to Alt War Machine-Stormhawk-Part 02
Looking great Q! Nice work on those seams. The new weapons look good too. Looking forward to the paint!
Thanks, Scott. I have one more cable to possibly hook up for the gun on his left arm, but may skip that
WOW !! Thats a big ole figure Q !...Looking good ,looks like a fun one to paint :)

Thanks, guys.

@Chris S,
Yep, he's pretty big. Still working on the potential colors
Late on this one Q :-[. I've seen this guy in the LHS and I'm really happy to see him getting built up. It seems as though you are cruising through without any troubles. How is the plastic to work and sand Q? It looks like it would be hard and brittle. Maybe because it's somewhat shiny. The mods you've done sure add some action and interest to this guy. Looking forward to seeing your paintwork on him!! Maybe....Dark Shadow Stormhawk (graphite dust)?? ;D
fumblethumbs said:
Looking forward to seeing your paintwork on him!! Maybe....Dark Shadow Stormhawk (graphite dust)?? ;D

Yeah......I would guess there may be some graphite dust used. ;)..... Q likes it, and who can blame him?!

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