Hasegawa Eggplane Series Zero Fighter


my head is falling off my head
May 27, 2009
About 2 years ago when i started modeling, the dude at the hobby shop gave me some excellent advice. He said, "Just get a really easy kit and try to build it the best you can because even simple model kits are not without their problems." So I picked up one of these eggplanes (without any real interest in aviation modeling) and went to town. I had no idea about hiding seems, painting/airbrushing, or scribing, just my interest in the hobby and the internet as guidance. And so my first eggplane was this guy

P-40 Warhawk, hand painted, blacked out canopy, no clear coat, and painted with testors enamels, but i love it!


So this is the 5th eggplane that I am building two years later and it still seems just as challenging


I've got the fighter in the paint stage right now, I primered with tamiya primer, base coated the bulk of the model with tamiya green for the cowling i just added a couple drops of tamiya gloss black to the green, then clear coated with tamiya gloss coat, before painting i rescribed all the panel lines, sand, putty, sand, putty, and so on and forever...


I'm really happy with the finish on the cowling its not perfect but its definitely the best finish i've achieved on anything i've built this far110.jpg

i still have more masking and painting to do and canopy wrestling
here is the canopy, propeller, and little thingy thing


So my advice to any new modelers would be to start with something super easy, cheap, and maybe a little novelyish so you dont get to wrapped up in making everything super accurate to hone your skills on because if you botch it, its ok, cause it was on the mad cheap and its whatever cause its an eggplane for crying out loud!
Really cool. I received today package with 4 of those from the first release (with base). I'm looking forward to see more photos from you :)
I masked off the the top of the plane so i could airbrush tamiya sky gray

after a quick AB session

and the reveal, there are some places im going to have to touch up it didnt come out exactly how i wanted but what im more happy about is the fact that my maskin tape didnt lift any of the existin paint up when takin it off. I've had problems with this just about every time I used it in the past. I figured out that a good clear coat over your initial paint job and plenty of curing time will definitely keep that paint from comin up

more to come...
So I finished this funny little bird up the colors are not accurate but whatever, after I painted the underside I clear coated again with tamiya x-22 clear gloss and then did the decals which melted my brain, then i did a panel line wash with some flat black artist acrylic, next step was attaching the cowling and propeller. I saved the canopy for last. I first attempted to mask it with tamiya tape, which wasnt going well, no matter what I did I new it wasnt gonna look good. So I tried to my local art store and got a product called Incredible White Mask Liquid Frisket which worked very well it was easy to apply with a tooth pick and easy to remove and did a better masking job than my tamiya tape has ever done

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