GM Sniper


Jun 2, 2010
This is the MG Bandai kit. Scratch built the cockpit (impossible to photograph unfortunately), added some details to the backpack, and moded the head slightly. Some images clickable for larger version.




I can sort of see in there. Nice clean build and paint over all and the subtle weathering
Hi sunsanvil

Very very nice that is a fantastic piece of work.The paint work is really nice to make drab greens and greys punchy takes a bit of doing.I like the basing of the Mech. Simple and all the focus on the piece.

Again very fine work.......XXXNITRO

Awesome Build & Congrats for Grabbing Best in Show at th CAMS show !!! This thing is Hot , I Dig it !!

Questions :

What did you use to color his Visor ?

How big is th figure ? 8 " , 12 " ?

I also really like th Concept of Him hooked up to an "Energizer" !!! Beautiful paint & Weathering !!
Thanks all for the very kind comments.

panzerace007 said:
Questions :
What did you use to color his Visor ?
How big is th figure ? 8 " , 12 " ?

- The part is actually molded in clear green plastic so I didnt do anything to it other than not touch it.
- Its a typical 1/100 so about 8" tall.

The supplemental power supply/cooling unit was part of the kit too so I cant take credit for that either. :)
I can see why it took best of show.
I could imagine the reaction from the show attendees that a Sci-Fi piece won Best of Show.
Great piece and a well deserved win.
There were many great pieces there (pics still on my camera, I promise to get them off tonight hopefully! And then however long it takes to upload).

While I don't know all the scores, I know there were a few 29's (out of 30), Brian's was the only 30 of the whole group.

Maybe to some it seems strange that Sci-Fi would win a best in show....but that is just how the cookie crumbled on that particular day, and the best part about the parameters we use to judge our show. Any kit can win best in show, Brian's kit could have been a big steamy pile of dog crap, but if it scored high enough on that given day, it would have won.

That is not to take anything away from Brian's kit, I loved it, and there were many others that were probably worthy, but his scored the highest, so he wears the crown for the next year.

Funny...going through the other thread, I just realized that no armor has won a Best in Show at our show in the last 9 years. Something to shoot for in 2012!
DXM said:
I can see why it took best of show.
I could imagine the reaction from the show attendees that a Sci-Fi piece won Best of Show.
Great piece and a well deserved win.

I second that !!! You must have made many.... Hummm en=em=ies....

I am glad for you !!! actually ... ecstatic about a sci fi kit winning.... B-O-S !!!

and it is a nice piece !!! so I have no problem with that....

if the other entries had ... issues... YOURS didn't.. then its all the better for you ! and 'US' in the sci fi world....

about time.... !

Bravo Zulu my sci fi friend !

Awesome work as always mate. Cant believe I only just caught this. Its a real shame you couldnt share pictures of the cock pit. After seeing your mods in the WIP you did at MAC. I was hoping to see it!

As always the paint finish and overall changes are professionally done. The base is also top notch bro.

Hope to see more from you here! Whats next for you? :)

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