Dark Eldar Archon Chariot


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2009
Next project's a little different.
In 40k terms, this would be a "personality" model.

Going back to a project that's been something of an 'extended WIP' for a couple of years now.
The basic concept is a custom vehicle for a Dark Eldar "Archon."

For this, I'll be using 3 of the older Reaver Jet bikes, an older Hellion glider, and an older female Archon figure.
I'll also be using a few bits from my bits box.

The finished "steed" bikes and riders, awaiting paint.

The Archon and her chariot.
I cut apart one of the three jetbikes and then spliced the glider into the middle.
I added a couple of weapons to the unit, and made a filler section for a huge gap on the bottom.

Youtube link:
Dark Eldar Archon Chariot-Part 1
looks like this is going to be a good one. I see those bikes and i think "mad max" on steroids. Have you thought out the paint scheme yet? are u going for a dark tone or something totally over the top?
Likely to be dark toned, noc5659.
Probably be a lot more drybrushing than actual paint on this one by the time I get done
Really like the concept. How are you going to base this? Will it be in motion or stationary ready to go?

Stationary would allow for the chains to sag although i am interested to see what you do with them if it is in flight.

Keep them coming and thanks for sharing.

Thanks, Tom

It'll be in motion.
By using wires to support the bikes, I'm hoping to be able to pull the chains between them taught
Tonight, I only managed to get the holes in the base drilled, and get the wires attached to the bikes.
So, what we have is a much better mockup of how things will look.

These pics are missing the chain "reins" between the bikes, and the chains trailing behind the chariot.


Youtube link:
Dark Eldar Archon Chariot-Part 2
Very clever way to stretch the chains and keep them taught! Most impressed.

Get a dead space marine on the base and your rocking.

Enjoying this build, thanks for sharing.

Just one question. How do you find the time??? ;)

Thanks, Tom. Seemed like a logical solution to me, especially since I don't want to glue the chains solid.

Nice idea on the base.

As to finding the time, well, I'm divorced. And I'm only working part time right now.
That is some cool stuff.
I got some 40K figures a long long time ago, and painted them for use in my non-40K role playing game.
So, how do you glue the metal and plastic parts together?
What type of glue?
Thanks, Mike.
I used superglue to join the metal glider to the plastic bike.
To reinforce things, I also pinned the assembly
Thanks, CT.

Okay, update time.
And I apologize for not doing this as regularly as I usually do.

Gave the bikes and figures a basecoat of Testors Graphite Dust

When it came to detailing the figures, I'm going with a fairly basic approach.
I drybrushed the suits on all of the figures with copper.
Then I went over the Archon's suit with a second drybrush of gold.
The skin on the second rider and the AZrchon were picked out in a pale fleshtone that was painted directly over the base color.
Their hair, and parts of the Archon's suir were painted over with red ink.

The bikes got a similar treatment.
I drybrushed parts of all three bikes in copper: cowlings, engines, blades, weapons.
Then I went over parts of the "cab" with a second drybrush of gold.
As a final touch, I picked out some details on all three bikes with red ink.

Youtube link:
Dark Eldar Archon Chariot-Part 3
looking good!
So, when you mention "Red Ink" what is it?
What brand, and is it an ink for writing?
Quaralane said:
As to finding the time, well, I'm divorced. And I'm only working part time right now.

I will run this past my see and she if she is willing to accept one or both of your time finding solutions. ;)

This is coming along nicely. Love how the faces came out in the stills.

Keep them coming!
ModelMakerMike said:
looking good!
So, when you mention "Red Ink" what is it?
What brand, and is it an ink for writing?

Hi Mike, I would have a guess that its Vallejo Inky Red which is part of the Vallejo Game Ink Range. Of course I will probably be proved wrong ;) If you Google it you will no doubt find info and suppliers. I have checked the site sponsors who sell through there websites but none seemed to carry it. I may have missed it though.


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