Contest idea brainstorming!

I've been challenged to a Group Build here for a local contest in October.
I'm doing a Death Race ( Car Wars ) Car and by starting point is Revell's Snap Kit of a PT Cruiser :D
Try to make that look mean.
The last time I did a car was in grade 2.
I spent 6 months checking the Ma. K. listings every night to get those. So I might not have paid much, but I put in the time to get them. The key to ebay is patience! And to refuse to bid more than a set amount. Just wait, unless it is very rare, it will turn up at a low price sometime....

I do have one Dust model, that might get into the contest.....But it all depends upon the rules, and how much time I have. My stash is so large that I could build almost anything. Plane, car, tank, space ship, but no boats, or ships, unless you count the space ship Yamato.
It's funny. The more I read this thread, the more tempted I am to pull out my "Super Pursuit Mode" KITT and see what comes of it.
after driving that F-350 i have been inspired! how about a diesel truck group build!
Jingles said:
13aceofspades13 said:
after driving that F-350 i have been inspired! how about a diesel truck group build!

... Maybe after the contest?


sorry i meant contest, unless everyone has already decided on what to do, im really far behind here... have only had time for momentary pop ins and hellos.
I haven't decided and reading this forum is making that decision even harder. I guess it all depends on how much time we have, categories, and stuff like that. I'm resisting the urge to start anything else until the contest starts. Glad my one build is taking up the whole desk. ;D
Anyone have new ideas now that the sneak peek of the contest categories have been posted?

I know I am brain storming like mad and going through my stash... only found 3 kits so far that that haven't been started in some way or other ... out of 50+ kits :-\ Yeah I need to finish a couple kits ... lol
I am planning a video build for this - of course I can't ENTER the contest but I plan to build along with you. Got an idea for the AFTER-LIFE category, Mad Max inspired for sure - not 100% original but 100% fun.
Okay, taking the framework from Jingles' post, here are my possibilities:
AIR: Batman Forever Batwing, or Grumman X-29
SCI-FI: Far too many possibilities here at the moment
VEHICLES: Super Pursuit Mode KITT, KI2T (1st season), KI3T
FIGURES: Rei Ayanami in an EVA suit, or Lunatic Fringe's "Belle of Tortuga"
DIORAMAS: No plans as yet
EVERYTHING ELSE: no plans as yet
SPECIAL THEME - AFTER-LIFE: no plans as yet

I'll play too.

SCI-FI: Either '53 Corvette Convertible or Mustang Mach III Convertible built to be a space craft. (Inspired by the movie Heavy Metal which had a 58 Corvette)
VEHICLES:Either Revell's Saints 51 Henry J Gasser OOB+ or OLD Monogram Green Hornet Ford Model T Rat Rod
FIGURES: I do have a vinyl Pumpkin Head (the movie) Figure but probably will steer clear of this
DIORAMAS: 40 Ford Coupe ... The rest is a secret 8)
SPECIAL THEME - AFTER-LIFE: Shelby Mustang GT-350 Death Race (Bring it Jingles ;) )

That is where I'm at. At this point it's what can I get done in the time we have. Will enter categories as I finish each one. Don't know where I'm starting yet.

This contest has My brain workin over time ( that's not hard to do ! ;D)

ARMOR - DML's Elephant smart kit.
AIR - n/a
Sci-Fi - I have a couple Mech. Suit kits. Can't remember who makes them, Not Ma.K
Vehicles - n/a
Figures - It's a toss up, not sure yet
Dios - Maybe something small. It's a short window to build !
Everything Else - Hmmm. Maybe My Flak-Panther ( will have a Quad 20mm Flak-vierling on it. The 653rd. Pz.Jag.Abtl. had one on th eastern front !), recently started.
Special Theme - Oh ... I can't tell ya' that one ! ;D

WoW ! lookin at th list .... It's gonna look like an Assembly Plant in th 'Ol Panzer Shoppe soon !! Orrrr I might have to wittel th list down some ... ? :mad: :'( ;)
I can tell you a few things for sure:

ARMOR - n/a
AIR - maybe
Sci-Fi - ?
Vehicles - ?
Figures - n/a
Dios - leaning towards this
Everything Else - I only have one model I think would be good enough for this, and I don't think it will win. But who know?
Afterlife - A strong possibility here, but it would be a late entry in the contest, and I would have to check with the judges first because it could also be Sci Fi.

So I have three in mind, but if I go with what my gut says, I will only have time for that one build. If you think that 747 had bad seams you should see this thing.....or things because it will be three kits on one build. And two of them have the worst seams I have ever seen. And the kits are still sealed in their plastic bags!! I can tell this without opening them.

One thing for sure, the good old NX-01 is going back on the shelf for a bit....
ARMOR - M1A2 SEP (will be battling against the giants) or Humvee TOW or Weapons Carrier kindly correct if
would be in vehicle or Armor thanks!!!
AIR - still building the alpha jet... I'll be in the sideline.
Sci-Fi - maybe gundam HG
Vehicles - .... sideline again...
Figures - n/a
Dios - no space n/a
Everything Else - I'll enter my Alphajet...
Afterlife - maybe a twisted metal theme, Minion or Darkside.

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