Colorful Crusader, 1/48


Hoot Hoot
Jun 14, 2013
This is my most recent completion, Monogram's crusader.

I used a bit of aftermarket goodies on this one (not pictured are the SAC metal landing gear)

Cockpits are my favorite part of the build, so much detail! :)

also added a resin wing duct, and added some wire details
resin replacements of control surfaces

preshaded in black, and once the color coat was on, buffed with steel wool to take the paint off the raised details leaving the black behind

Had some silvering, but got that touched up
Looks good :) , To avoid silvering put a gloss coat on first ,and try using some Micro Sol to help settle the decals down ;) , but the build looks good ,I like the cockpit .

Chris S said:
Looks good :) , To avoid silvering put a gloss coat on first ,and try using some Micro Sol to help settle the decals down ;) , but the build looks good ,I like the cockpit .


I did glosscoat it...thats what confused me. That was the only area with silvering.

Thanks for teh complement on the cockpit. Thats my favorite, too! :p
scorpiomikey said:
Im comin, im comin lol
Looks wonderful.
How did you find the kit overall?

not bad. With some careful painting and added seatbelts, the kit supplied cockpit could pass as decent. My kit was a hand-me-down, so the fuselage was a bit warped. But nothing glue and clamping couldnt easily fix. I would like more detail in the wingfold area.

also, the kit provided no wingduct nor lowered flaps, as would be accurate to model the plane with the wing raised. And the kit supplied landing gear make the plane sit too low.

Some might object to the raised details, but I found them to be little concern. Any details erased when sanding were rescribed.

The biggest stumbling block I had was the painting step. That has nothing to do with the kit tho, just a finicky airbrush.

I enjoyed myself, and thats what counts.
Ambitious build with all the wing resin work. Great work on the gun-fighter (the F-8 is one of my favourite planes).

Whoa, clearly I'm not hanging out here long enough, how'd I miss this project?
Pretty good work, those resin upgrade sets really help bring up the detail in that old Monogram kit!

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