Aves putty vs generic Epoxy Putty??

Jun 6, 2011
I've seen people using Aves putty is there a signifigant difference between that and the two part generic putty you see in cylinders like mighty putty at the hardware store? Economny wise i can 5 tubes for 5 bucks. i have used the 2 part green an yellow stuff a while back to make Zimmeret coats and to make mods to figures. From what i have seen it mixes up the same Aves and can be smoothed with water..
Haven't really worked much with those hardware store putties, myself.
I do believe they likely cure harder than the Aves does, given what they're to be used for.
Quaralane said:
Haven't really worked much with those hardware store putties, myself.
I do believe they likely cure harder than the Aves does, given what they're to be used for.

Quaralane is probably right. Aves itself cures harder than the plastic around it. This can be a problem if you are not careful with it.

Mighty putty and the other products like it, I would suspect, cure up harder than Aves. They are used to glue parts together. You can do this with Aves, but it isn't an incredibly strong bond. CA is a bit stronger than Aves used as glue. (I did an experiment to find out one day when I was bored.)
I've used mighty putty, milliput, and Aves. I gotta say after using Aves i dont care for any other putty. It can cure up harder than the plastic you are working with but you have such a long working time that I often find i dont need much sanding and refining once fully cured. the mighty putty cures too fast and the milliput is not bad but kinda crumbly, just not as forgiving as Aves. Its also really nice for sculpting, after about an hour after you mix up some aves, there is a beautiful "sweet spot" of time of about 45 minutes where the aves becomes incredibly easy to sculpt, its hard to explain, :p but the detail you can achieve is quite nice.

hope this helps

How does some of the Tamiya putty and epoxy puty compare to Aves? Tamiya's the only filler I could find in my local shop. I've picked up some Bondo glazing putty, as well. Any experience with the Tamiya putty, Grendels?
Has anyone tried the Aves epoxy "paste" ?
Seems like it might have greater benefit to doing seam lines than the thicker Aves putty. I'm tempted to get some of the paste.