AMT USS Constellation


Husker Adama

I'm back, this time with a Glow in the dark enterprise that was bungled up and damaged by R2. There was a huge hole in one nacelle end and the secondary hull was all warped (no pun intended).

I built this thinkg pretty much stock, the hard part was finding a Planet Killer with a Maw only around 8 feet wide to blast this thing a dead hulk and leave it with a dead crew.

I wanted a planted-blasted hunk of a base so I went to the alley out back and found a hunk of asphalt and a base was born.

Also added was the dedication plaque from the Revell photo-etch product made by paragrafix.

This was the first time I used pastels to weather a ship. Also I know this isn't a Canon look for the ship, so sorry rivet counters, you'll have to suffer through it while looking at her.

Enjoy the pictures:








And some Transformers for Smsno1

That's excellent work. Love the base and dedication plaque.

That looks like a mugato next to the transformers! Only with crazy disco clothes.. ;D
She's great!!!! Love it!
I'd like to build this ship myself someday.
Oh....and to heck with the rivet counters!
I love this......... and after i brave the enterprise, my second revell will be a connie.

and prime and megs look like the doing the hustle!
Thanks for all the kind comments guys!

My next project will be lighting a Revell Enterprise Kit, you can actually see the stand I've made for it in the background of these pictures, I've got a sound card hooked up and it plays various sounds and themes from the television show.

Smusno- I'll try to take a picture of my other transformers for you not doing the hustle lol.
I am confused. Does it come in the box like this or do you create the "damage" yourself from a regular model?

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