AMT Star Destroyer


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2011
I'm really going to try to finish this thing. I did some initial work to make the bridge better and then kind of stalled. Last weekend I picked it up again. This is going to be a lot of work. This thing is really small which doesn't help.

Initial work

some more progress, plus added fiber optics...

I'm not totally happy with the sensor domes. They look ok at normal viewing distance but on closer inspection they get kind of sloppy. The jewerly beads might be the way to go, but the ones I've seen just don;t have the same look as the larger studio models

Some work on the bottom hangar area

New gun turrets
Really nice work! Keep it up you're doing an awesome job. Gotta love those AMT kits, they aren't accurate by any means but they are readily available and usually decently priced. A nice canvas for some killer Star Wars modeling. Looking forward to next update.
Well Blake,
between you and Solander, I will never even try to build a Star Destroyer!
You guys' work is so spectacular, that I know anything I would do, would just disappoint me in comparison. :(

;D ;D ;D
Cool- the original build was near 6 foot long, and you are trying this on that 18 inch kit!?

I have the puzzle 3-d kit, have had that for awhile, I should try it out- but this is just nuts! Great work Blake, when you finally get it done the detail will be so busy only you will know of the shortcomings, the rest will go 'OH CRAP!!!' lol

Keep it going... and dont forget to file down a little piece of scrap to replicate the Falcon clinging to the back of the horizontal.

Thanks for the encouragement. Its going to be a real challenge keeping up with the extra detail when finishing the rest. Tons of work ahead...
Awesome work there buddy, just gotta echo what others have said, such great work at a small scale!
blakeh1 your a better man then I am. I started this one about a year ago and it still sits as a dust magnet. It's engraved surfaces and lack of details almost drove me to knitting.
Beautiful job detailing that StarDestroyer. Piping, shields, panels, and mechanisms......
absolutely incredible work. The only thing missing is the Millennium Falcon clamped inverted
to the side of it...HaHaHa. Brother, keep up your insane detailing of this brute.
Congrats! Bill
thats looking amazing, i have that kit and its on my wish list to actually start building. i even bought the avery update kit for it a, so i'm following your progress on this !
Son you have me thinking about taking mine out of retirement. Pretty much like Pettitte except no one is signing me to a 2.5 million dollar minor league contract.
Its been a while, but some more progress as of late

After a third attempt, finally settled on the look for the big guns. They also will be able be able to rotate freely for different poses after they are finished. What a pain though. Way too small to get the detail I was hoping for and zoomed in with a macro lens just helps show those flaws that are hard to see in person

at any rate...


Starting to fill in the detail around the gun battery areas and in the side trenches of the top part of the superstructure


and some around back near the Fine Molds X-Wing landing bay door

added some scribing lines around the gun batteries and marks for lines and starting on the next level up

At this rate I'll be lucky if I am done by the end of the year

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