AMT Adversary Set - Klingon Bird of Prey


New Member
May 16, 2011
Not sure what scale this is supposed to be as it says in the instructions it's 1/3750, but that can't be right.

The Klingon BoP's scale's always been somewhat ambiguous anyway, appearing at different sizes in almost all its episodes.

First thing I noticed is the huge gap between the engine grills and the engine exhaust. Also, the lack of any engine exhaust at all. So had to do some scratch building there and I didn't get it very accurate I'm afraid.

So, it's a modified B'rel class.

Also, the profile of the ship is way too fat. I trimmed down the upper hull quite a bit, so that it's more streamlined.

Another snag was with the decals. They had to be tiny to fit on this model. I printed twice as many as I would need just in case, but all 8 of them were completely unusable as they crinkled up. At less than 2mm width, they were practicallly falling off. So, no decals. :(

Here she is.



You can see here that the engine exhaust is just a shaped piece of clear plastic with Tamiya clear red paint.


Really happy with the feathered effect on the underside wings. The top side has this too, but obviously not brown. This was just Tamiya hull red mixed with various degrees of white and black to get the different tones.


Scratch built the cannons. Not accurate, but better than the kit and a good experience for me.



These stands were cut from a piece of plastic packaging. They're crossed over and asymmetric to give the ship a tilt. They're tipped with a couple of strips of sticky back rubber to grip the model. It's a bit wobbly, but secure enough. I hope. :-[

Good work. Looks good, and obviously you put some extra work into it with scratch-building parts. :)
Thanks, Mike. :)

I really like how I can pick up the model and fly around the house with her, making little 'pew pew' noises.

Er.... I mean I could do that if I wanted. Obviously, I'm far too old for such behaviour. :p
Well, Igard don't tell anyone, but I have been known to do something similar with my large Bird Of Prey. ;)
And the Enterprise, and the Klingon D-7....etc etc. :D
LOL. That's reassuring, Mike, 'cos ever since the future dried, I haven't been able to leave it alone! ;D

Forgot to mention, on the scratchbuilding of the cannon barrels, I just razor sawed a couple of brass nails for picture hangers.
Igard said:
Thanks, Mike. :)

I really like how I can pick up the model and fly around the house with her, making little 'pew pew' noises.

Er.... I mean I could do that if I wanted. Obviously, I'm far too old for such behaviour. :p

No one is too old for a few "pew pew" noises.......
OK, I'm just letting it all go now. You don't want to hear my cloaking device sound effect.

It sort of goes, 'Veeshhurr...Veeeshhhurr'. ;D
Of course, when the ships cloaked, I'm basicallly just running around the house with nothing.

I need to go to sleep. Night all. 8)
Thanks all. I had lots of fun with this little guy. It was lots of fun to build and paint.
Igard said:

Aha, so the cloacked mode is also included? ;D
Nice job here! And You've done great with all those additional detailing, especially if to keep in mind how tiny this thing is.
Thanks, fumblethums.

@Solander, bah, you noticed that! My brother actually suggested, since I couldn't fit any LEDs inside, why not give it some sound effects, such as a cloaking device and disruptor blast. Might do that for it some day.

Another interesting Trekkie fact. **Stop reading now, if you're not interested in Trek** The Klingon Bird of Prey was originally designed to be a Romulan ship. They changed the script for Star Trek III from a Romulan adversary, to a Klingon one. Of course, eventually played by Christopher Lloyd.

This explains why the Klingons suddenly had a ship with a bird pattern. A style that was always most commonly associated with the Romulans. ;)
Good looking BOP. I started getting into 1/1400 Star Trek Kits and started looking at all the 1/1400 ships available. The only B'rel BOP in 1/1400 was the ship in the ST 3-piece adversary kit. The ships in the set are all different scales though.
Grendels said:
No one is too old for a few "pew pew" noises.......
Spoken like a true sage.

Nice little build Igard. I know you said it was a small scale but how long do you recon it is?