ALL OPEN - 1:4 Gillman Productions - Twisty

Go Flight

May 11, 2009
Sculpted by Mark Van Tine and casted by Gillman Productions this is a 1:4 scale kit of Twisty the clown from American Horror Story: Freak Show.
Twisty was an insane Clown that wanders Florida and kidnaps and/or kills people he meets. Here's a few shots of John C. Lynch as Twisty -
I also found a little problem in that ppl were "correcting" their images to show Twist with Red fringe and flower on his clown suit. Looking thru the images and reruns I saw the fringe was a sort of purple-red with a dead brownish pink flower -

More soon. Thanks for looking...
The kit from Gillman comes in a sweet cotton candy color resin. It had no bubbles or flash and the seam lines were very hard to see. It came in 5 parts - the bust, the base and 3 hair pieces -


If you look closely you found that the spilled kernels or popcorn were really little skulls. Nice touch!

More soon. Thanks for looking...
I'm not comfortable with figure faces so I thought I get my courage going by starting the base first -

So I blocked in the rope, the skulls and the popcorn skulls. The popcorn shows up yellow here in that I wanted them to still be popcorn. But what I did after the yellow base coat was to wash it in Citadel's Agrax earthshade (love that stuff) which made the teeth and the eye orbits stand out. Later I would dry brush it with an off white.


Next I gained confidence to start the bust. I did so by blocking in the skin and using a light gray the costume. I used an off white for his mask and black for the gums and teeth on mask.
The next two pics is of the base , basecoated and highlighted. I started out with a very light brown for the tent pole - almost a yellow, and then kept adding a brown wash until it looked unevenly stained -


Then I just went for his face - same thing. I like working from dark to light. So after the face base coating I went for the highlights on the foreheard nose, cheeks. I also tackled the eyes. I got one the way I liked it and then when I tried the other it was definite a NO. So I tried again. Second time was a little better.
I then had to paint the scalped skull cap. I used the flesh color but made it dead looking by adding some gray. I painted the edge with some Vallejo Cavalry brown which is actually a sort of red. I washed with some War Painter red wash and then dotted here and there some darker brown for shadow -


More soon. Thanks for looking...
Finally I added the white face. I kept going back and forth between too much white and not enuff. I wanted to make it look like there was skin color under there. I hope I achieved that. Then I added the dark Alice Cooper looking eye makeup. At this point I also painted and glued on the 3 hair tufts and I was done -


A few weeks later John Lynch appeared at one of those Monster Conventions with a few others of the AMS:FS cast and got him to sign my base. Pretty cool IMHO -


Thanks for looking. ;D
Awesome work...I wouldn't be able to display it anywhere because I would never sleep again-- but you done did good!

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