LOST IN SPACE Crash...color

Captain Han Solo

Active Member
Feb 3, 2012

What???!!!! AND in color?!?!

Scratch built approximately 1:18 Gemini 12 Flight Deck build.
9.6" Gemini 12 build.
I composited my BUILD into photos , footage of the actual crash site. ( I won't be visiting the actual area any time soon).
The model was flown on two wires through brass tubes on either side of the model.
In natural sunlight.

Again, thanks go to Jeff Summers and Erich Linder for helping out!

The Jupiter 2 was one tough cookie. Must have been made by Timex, it crashed every week and just kept on ticking. I loved that show as a kid, Didn't even know it was in color, it was no longer on TV when we got a color TV.