Ester B. Unny's Ship



Hi all,

Just a little egg ship (completed prior to the contest so I didn't enter it). Besides the two entries for the contest (Tour Bus and Eggloo) this is my most recent completed build.

Not a lot to it, an egg, and styrene. The port holes are solder wrapped around a drill bit and cut into rings and placed as needed. Am finding that I enjoy building my own designs out of whatever I have laying around with a minimum of kit parts. Beats all the pain I was going thru rivet counting on my armor... So, I think I have found the fun of modeling again.


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That looks very cool. And yeah, scratchbuilding and not worrying about accurazy is really fun. And after all, that's what scale modeling is about.
I thought it was all about a pile of references bigger than the original vehicle, micrometers and counting rivets until your eyes cross.

I agree that some of the stuff I have seen both one this forum and Starship Modeler have really got me thinking. After all, who in their right mind takes two squirt guns and makes a starship? Well, I don't know if the guy is nuts or not, but he is someone I would like to sit down and have a long talk with...

I liked that when you emailed it to me - inspired the contest - and I still like it. Great job!
bwiber said:
I agree that some of the stuff I have seen both one this forum and Starship Modeler have really got me thinking. After all, who in their right mind takes two squirt guns and makes a starship? Well, I don't know if the guy is nuts or not, but he is someone I would like to sit down and have a long talk with...


Oh he's quite sane (well i hope he is, he's got my e-mail :eek: ) Junk modelling is for me the most happy i've been whilst making a model and i highly recommend it.
Your builds a great example of turning stuff that ends up in land fill into art plus its given me the idea i've been looking for to finish my steampunk victorian moon lander build so double thanks for posting your work.
