Diorama WIP

Merry Christmas to you, too, Jim!
Nice progress!
I use coffee stirring sticks for planking like that. We used to have an outside coffee service at our office, and I got to talking to the guy who ran it (whose nickname was "Mister Coffee", naturally). When I told him that I was a modeler and that I saved the used stirring sticks, he gave me two boxes!
Merry Christmas to you, too, Jim!
Nice progress!
I use coffee stirring sticks for planking like that. We used to have an outside coffee service at our office, and I got to talking to the guy who ran it (whose nickname was "Mister Coffee", naturally). When I told him that I was a modeler and that I saved the used stirring sticks, he gave me two boxes!
Thanks and those stir sticks sound like a winner. I have some craft popsicle sticks one of which I use to stir the stain with and it actually is looking like nice faded wood now, go figure. I'm still up in the air over how dark I got the balsa planks, so who knows what may transpire after this weekend.
Yes, I save popsicle sticks, too! My dad likes popsicles, and when I visit him, we have a couple. I save the sticks-I just have to wash them well before storing them ;)
Well, I finally got the building put together. I went back and made new framing planks of balsa and stained them lighter since the darker ones just didn't look right to me. I still have a lot more work to do but this is the point I have gotten myself to for now. I decided to put some faded planks on the top of the walls to somewhat create a frame for the cut away appearance. Now I have to start formulating what all to put on the inside. It's meant to be a workshop, so time to break out some mini art accessories and see what will fill this empty void.