D3A1 Val 1/48 Hasegawa competition build


New Member
Mar 4, 2013
This is my entry into this years competition. It's Hasegawa's 1/48 D3A1 Val. I'll be adding CMK's Resin wing fold set to add a bit of interest.


Sweet. This looks like a great kit. Can't wait to watch it happen Chris.
Thanks guys, well here goes....

As is the case with most aircraft builds, I’ve started with the Val’s cockpit. I’ve removed all of the relevant parts from the sprues and have cleaned up any seam lines etc. The Hasegawa kit’s cockpit is fairly well detailed, and although there is a resin replacement available from CMK. I think with some careful painting, and with the addition of seatbelts, it will be enough to keep the cockpit busy and attractive. I did make a couple of amendments to the cockpit. I drilled out the rear gun barrel and trigger guard to add a bit more details to the gun. I also filled and sanded a few sink marks that were going to be visible on the final model.



I primed the cockpit parts using Vallejo’s grey primer. I’ll leave these parts to the side to dry, ensuring that the primer has had time to cure.

To add a bit of interest to the model I’ve decided to use CMK’s resin wing fold set. The resin has some nice detail but did require a bit of cleaning up to get them to an acceptable level. I removed the wings and horizontal stabilizers from the sprues, and cleaned up any flash before cutting the wing tips off the kit parts. Hasegawa have kindly molded in a seem on the inside of the wings to help with removing the unwanted parts. The inside surface of the wings will still require some work to ensure that the resin inserts fit okay. I’ll need to thin the kit parts quite a bit though, but I’ll keep that for another day.




Now that the primer has had time to dry. I airbrushed the basic cockpit color. In this case I’m used Tamiya XF-71 JN Cockpit green. The guns and ammo have been airbrushed using X-10 Gun Metal, the control surfaces have been finished with XF-1, and the remaining silver parts have been covered with XF-16 Flat Aluminium.





That's about all for tonight. Thanks for taking a look. If you have any questions or comments/suggestions please feel free to speak up. Until next time....

Thanks John. I'm a little nervous about this as it's my first online build.... hopefully it'll turn out okay!
Hopefully it will turn out ok !!! Lol who you trying to kid ??? ;D. I'm sure this will be another killer build mate !

Carry on ;D

First online build. That's awesome man. This is already looking cool and you're barely up to to speed. Can't wait to see more.
Thanks guys. Still finding my feet as far as how much I need to explain things. Don't want to be teaching you all how to suck eggs... ;)
suavetomcat said:
Thanks guys. Still finding my feet as far as how much I need to explain things. Don't want to be teaching you all how to suck eggs... ;)

SMA is a pretty friendly place, share/explain as much as you want. The contest is a great place to launch into your first online build.

and, very nice start into the Val.

Time for a quick up date to the Val Build.

I added some tonal variations to the main cockpit components. This will hopefully add some shadows and highlights, and try to recreate a weathered and used look to the interior. I first sprayed a very thinned dark brown/black mix where I want my shadows. I then mixed the original cockpit color with some white, and airbrushed the center of the panels, and anywhere I wanted to add highlights.




A dark enamel wash was added to help pick out the details and create a darker shadow where needed. This was cleaned off with a damp brush (enamel thinner). The cockpit details were then picked out using Vallejo model color acrylics. I usually thin these very slightly with water to help improve their coverage.




I still have to add some seat belts, before giving everything a coat of flat varnish. Hopefully by tomorrow night I'll have the cockpit finish.

Thanks for looking.

See ...You're just showing off now !! Excellent stuff dood ;D ;D

Thanks mate. It'll look a lot nicer when I get the flat coat on.

Have you decided yourself what you're going to enter?

LOL....Errr Nope !! ;D Done a bit more on the Kal tho :) Cant think what to do ? ::)
Thanks j

The photos are a bit bright. Slightly more natural colours in real life. I'll hopefully take some better ones when I get the flat coat on and I get the tub together.

Just a quick update.

I got the photo etch belts on both seats before giving everything a coat of flat varnish.







Using a cocktail stick, I put a small drop of Krystal klear on all of the Val's instrument dials. When dry it turns clear and looks great as glass over the dials. I prefer to use Krystal Klear rather than future or a gloss varnish, because it gives a more three dimensional appearance.



It's starting to look a bit like a cockpit now. lol The rear gunners seat and gun have only been set in place, as I'll add them at the end of the build. It'll make masking the cockpit later that much easier.




Hopefully you can see the effect of the Krystal Klear now that it's had some time to dry. It hasn't quite finished drying yet as the main dial is still white.


Hopefully I'll get the fuselage together over the next couple of days and report back. :D

Thanks for looking.
