At this moment

That's likely the best place to be man.

I'll pray for you. Try to get some rest.
I am sad to hear that, take care of yourself, and let the doctors do their magic. I will be praying for you.
Black Sheep 1 Don't rush it and follow what the doctors say.
Been there, my prayers are for you.

Hey Blacksheep 1 - that's pretty heavy. Hoping you get well soon.
Well I'm finally home after a big scare Saturday night.
The diagnosis is that I had what is known as a TIA or a mini stroke.
According to the doctor, it was a warning sign that I have to get my blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol etc under control and quite messing around.
So now I'm home packing and getting ready to move by the end of this month.....or middle of next as I'm not pushing myself at all.

Thank you, thank you thank you for all your prayers and well wishes.
I'm very grateful.
I'm very, very happy to hear from you. Great news...serious still but great.

We're here to help in any way we can...
i am thinking i need a bigger office / man cave. i am adding a photography area next month but running out of room
Black Sheep, glad it wasn't more serious, do what your doctor tells you!! want to see more from you!! :):)
glad to hear your o.k. Black Sheep it's a scary feeling that's for sure. I had some fun today went to the comic book expo here I found a few cool UK star wars comics.
At this moment, I'm debating leaving another forum.
Also debating whether I should post a "good-bye" message explaining why, or just leave.

(No worries, it's not this forum)