1/48 Academy-Minicraft F4U-4 Corsair WIP


follow me on twitter @SpaceSavy
Oct 4, 2011
hello all, today I picked myself up a new model, a joint Academy Minicraft F4U-f in 1/48. From initial examination it seems like a good kit. Now this kit was on sale because one of the canopy parts is a little fogged. So how do I de fog the canopy, do I use future? And has anyone built this kit before who has valuable information about this kit?

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so got a lick of paint last night, it's all put together. And I just sprayed some primer on her. She will be the traditoional blue with the yellow cowl and propeller tip.

Thanks Q and Jmac up next pre shading


also something i have working on for about a year, on and off

also quick question how much was the Corsair weathered in combat, was it just a little rust, alo. Or was there a little paint chipping, or allot. Also i have not done allot of weathering, if i where to do a paint chipping, would i use enamel paint, or acrylic and spray hairspray over top? Next if i was to do a rust weather would it be best to paint a rusty color or use my "rust water" from micro mark. HELP!!!!
Sorry for such the long wait, this past weekend I was on an retreat. I loved/hated this kit. I hated the decals, because they would "flake".


Looks pretty sharp.
Canopy frame looks a little off, but I think I know why.

Looks like you just pained the body color on the canopy frames.
Next time, can I suggest painting the frames in your primer color first?
This helps to both lose the translucence I'm seeing here, and to add to the illusion of the window frame from within the cockpit
thx Q, ya i know about the canopy, this is the result of a model building rage!!!! i go so fustrated with things going on in my life that i wanted to get this one off the bench
Completely understandable.
I've got a Tomcat that suffered from similar frustrations
i'm just glad that i didn't let this model meet the hammer

Frustrations aside, it turned out nice and you developed your modeling skills a lot more than the corsair meets hammer scenario. Well done.
Very nice build....You can also use bare metal foil on the frame,they have several types and teh results are well worth the effort....But the most important thing,,have fun and enjoy the process...When I get really stressed about life and stuff it go to town on the sprues cutting them into confetti rather than turning a model into pc's after a collision with a wall.....LOL :)