Sculpting SBS the preview


New Member
Nov 13, 2012
Ola People

I was asked if I could make an SBS on the method I use to sculpt my figures. And I'm currently working hard on making that reality. There will be lots of photo's, loads of text. (Think war and peace amounts of text :D :D).

But I want to give you guys a preview of what is in store in the very near future. The article will deal with sculpting the young resistance fighter with the rifle. But that figure stood all alone without any context. So I started another sculpt of an "NSB-er" which was a Dutch Nazi sympathiser. After the liberation these people were treated as traitors and often rounded up and paraded through the streets. The NSB people all drifted to high/leading functions during the occupation to be able to spread the fascist word in the most effective way possible. Therefore the title of this vignette will be "Vaarwel meester" (Goodbye teacher). Effectively giving a bit of history between the boy and the man.

Ok enough bladibla here are the pictures



More on the sculpting will follow very soon. I'm close to starting on the clothing.

With friendly greetz

Robert Blokker
this looks great, Robert! as i get more and more into figures, this will really help me!
Thanks all for your replies. Really appreciated.
For those of you not following me on Facebook. I have a bit of an update with the sculpting of the traitor finished. I now have to wait till my wife has a day off work so I can instruct her to work with my camera as I need to show shots where both my hands are visible otherwise it is not very clear in the SBS what the hell I'm doing. And I will show that on the resistance fighter. In the meantime. Here is what the traitor evolved to.



Now I have some hours of cleaning, sanding, scraping, sanding, thinning, sanding, scribing, sanding etc. to do before it is ready for primer. But I'm pretty pleased with the result so far. Going to do my best to make an equal succes of the resistance boy. More to follow more to follow
Ola Guys

Thanks for the replies. and the compliments. I will soon pick up the article again. I have been experimenting a bit with video the past days because for some of the steps I want to show I need both of my hands and I'm afraid if I do it in pictures it will not be clear enough and therefore I need massive amounts of text. So If all the video experiments go well I should be able to include some video footage in the article.
Next week I will continue on the resistance fighter that the article is about.
With friendly greetz

Robert Blokker
Dang, call me late fur supper Faust, but do you have any updates? This is one area I haven't crossed into, so I'm all eyes and ears on this buddy. Looking good from here!

Cheers, Ski.

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