Scrap's bits of scrap...


Turn it off...
Mar 28, 2011
Finally managed to crack the code and get a start up picture for my entry into this year's competition... ;D

I'm not 100% on what it will be because I don't do things like "plans" or "tests"...I just grab a handful of junk, start glueing and hope for the best. I've got a basic idea, though-I do know it'll be in the Sci-Fi category because it's a sort of Ma.K. inspired-type of thing, but how it actually all turns out...well, that's all part of the fun, isn't it???

I'll be adding bits and detailing to the stuff here once I get the basic shape set, and I'll decide on which of the two bases I'll use later. I'm aiming for it to be about 1/20ish scale...

Anyway, best get on... ;)
Been really busy tinkering with this last few days...pretty much any spare moment I got! Once I started, the basic shape seemed to sort itself out and it all came together. Still lots to do, but it's getting there fast and I'm actually quite happy with it, which makes a change... ::)

I've decided to use the 100mm round base because I bought a little figure to go with my build (for scale) and I'll need plenty of room to get them both in.

So, here's a new picture...not very good quality, but it was the best I could do last night... :-[

The holes are for stuff that hasn't been added yet, and I'm going to build some sort of repeller to go on the top and...and...

Lot's of ideas... ;D
I'm really not into sci fi stuff much to be honest with you, but you guys making these things out of junk bits and whatnots make me want to join in. You must be having a ball!
One of these days I am going to try this. Get a random pile of stuff and see where it goes. Nice work so far. I have seen scratch builds with Lego before. They almost always look cheap, but yours doesn't. That alone is a thumbs up!
I love how this looks already looks like a robot submarine they use for looking at the deep wrecks.

Thanks for the comments ;D.

Here's the Repeller and transmitter...



What I'm thinking is something that's out there with whatever kit is available....might not be the best available, but it's the best AT THE TIME...
I think all I need to do, now, is texture the main body of the drone and it's repeller, join the pieces and add umbilicles then paint it up the base...paint the figure I've bought to sit alongside the drone for scale...

"Two months left" seems like such a long time, but when you think about's not that long when you build and paint as slow as I do...

And I'm still waiting for my Start-Up picture to appear on the Official Competition Start-Up Page so if anyone's bothered about me posting a WiP here without a pic in the comp section like every one was entered and the fee was paid, it's just that I had some snags when the picture sent...and, well, Scott knows all about it... ::)
Love it man! More Ma K style stuff and watching bits come together to form something compelling and cool is always a blast. Really excited for this!
cool. from the first few pictures I thought you were going to build a MaK(ish) Big Daddy from Bioshock.
I actually went for a sort of fat bumblebee/Chinook helo shape with the repeller instead of rotors. The "face" does look like Big Daddy, but it all sort of went that way by itself during the build rather than being part of a Grand Plan. But, I suppose, if I'm going to draw inspiration from something, it might as well be something as GOOD as Bioshock... ;D

Glad you all like it so far...
I haven't spent anywhere near the amount of time I've wanted to on this, what with Life and stuff, but here is where I'm at now...
Crusty Bob

My base was too similar in shape, design and, well, pretty much everything to someone else's (far better) piece so I've started again. It's actually the top half of a watch box with the bottom half broken up to make the walls and rubble. The left-over bits of plastic will be crumbled to make the rest of the rubble. It's the same idea as before, just different.
The Base

The Rubble Wall

The Base And Wall Together

It's all still very much a WiP, but it's getting there bit by bit :).
Looking Great Dude!!! its a piece of art I might say, Looking forward.


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