My 1:350 Enterprise Refit/SPFX Video.

Captain Han Solo

Active Member
Feb 3, 2012
Here is an updated video in 4K of my Polar Lights 1:350 Refit Enterprise. The model was painted and airbrushed to reflect the filming miniature as it appeared in Star Trek The Motion Picture.
The model was filmed against a Black background and the stars and Warp effect added after.
The model itself is doing the heavy's airbrushed first a flat white then four Iridescent colors over in the Aztec patterns...Red,Gold,Green and blue.
I like my work doing it's thing and just sitting at a bench while I describe what I did doesn't appeal to me.

Thanks and enjoy!

Here is an updated video in 4K of my Polar Lights 1:350 Refit Enterprise. The model was painted and airbrushed to reflect the filming miniature as it appeared in Star Trek The Motion Picture.
The model was filmed against a Black background and the stars and Warp effect added after.
The model itself is doing the heavy's airbrushed first a flat white then four Iridescent colors over in the Aztec patterns...Red,Gold,Green and blue.
I like my work doing it's thing and just sitting at a bench while I describe what I did doesn't appeal to me.

Thanks and enjoy!

Nice. I like it. Can't beat a bit of James T....