Mumak of Harad



Hi guys!

Our Jelly guessed it, my next project is a Mumak of Harad. It is a model kit produced by Games Workshop for their Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game. It is an impressive kit. I bought the kit way back and already startet on it, actually the Mumak itself is very far along. It is already assembeled and nearly painted. The assembly was quite intense for me, when I had as little experience as I had back then. The seamlines where killer because they run all around the body and down the legs front and back. The bad thing is, that the skin of that mumak is structured all over and you cannot just sand or so. I filled everything up with modelling putty, Magic Sculp or Milliput and resculpted the skinstructure. I probably would do things differently today but I am still quite pleased with the results. Now I need to assemble and paint the howda, the crew and the base. I probably will add a tuskweapon and go over and see if I can enhance the paintjob I already did, maybe some washes and some pigments. Right now the skin is to grey and a little shiny for my taste. But first things first, I need to go over my reference material. I don't aim for one particular mumak, for there where so many, so screen accuracy is not my goal, but rather that it fits in with the style of the movie. Oh... time to rewatch the movie ;D.

[WG] Mumak of Harad- part 1.mp4

So, for the next update I promise some pictures.

Happy Painting, Sarah.
Hi again, Sarah, I´m here :)

I´ll specially follow this job also because maybe I´ll pick one of those beasts to break away a lil´from time to time from military modelling...

I´m following your work, OK?
Thanks for posting, Sarah ;)
This is going to be interesting no doubt about it. ;D

Sarah even has a voice ;)
Tony lee
Hi Sarah,

Looking forward to watching your excellent work!

I don’t know much about the subject matter, but I do appreciate watching good craftsmanship. ;)
Very cool. I'd like to tag along also, might try a figure in the next little while just to try something new...

Are you OK ??

You´ve also been for too long behind the lines...

Hope everything´s OK, Sarah... ;)
Elastirion said:
...But first things first, I need to go over my reference material...

Hi, Sarah, here's a good reference:

Grey as a mouse,
Big as a house,
Nose like a snake,
I make the earth shake,
As I tramp through the grass;
Trees crack as I pass.
With horns in my mouth
I walk in the South,
Flapping big ears.
Beyond count of years
I stump round and round,
Never lie on the ground,
Not even to die.
Oliphaunt am I,
Biggest of all,
Huge, old, and tall.
If ever you’d met me
You wouldn’t forget me.
If you never do,
You won’t think I’m true;
But Oliphaunt am I,
And I never lie.

WOW! Looks to be a complex build. The battle platform on the mumak's back is
pretty complex, huh? Involved builds are daunting, but the payoff is worth it.
Good luck with the finish. Bill
I can't wait to see more. the paint on the Mumak looks fantastic!
Wow! This has certainly caught my attention. I was always intrigued by the Mumaks (did Sam call them oliphants?) in the books and they were so beautifully brought to life in the movies.

Can't wait to see what you do with this.
I am not dead!

Hi guys!
Long time no see. No, I've not gone the way of the dodo, but life caught up with me in some bad ways. First was work, I work in retail and from mid november to mid january it's just crazy with the holidays and all ::) My computer on the other hand is following the dodo with wide steps... :'(, the graphicscard is doing some weird stuff...?? So being online or doing videos for that matter is a bit of an ordeal. I am currently saving up for a new one but there is always other stuff... I'd rather have utilities payed than a new computer... :-[. In combination with other stuff I didn't have the time and/or was not in the mood for any modelling in a long time.
But now I hope I can hop back on the modelling train, trying to finally finish the mumak over the next weeks or so.

greets, Sarah.
:) Howdy Sarah ! :)

Glad to know about you and that you´re OK. We were afraid about you being in the MIA. list ;)

Take it easy & time, we´ll see you back on the line again.
Cheers, Sarah :)