Anyone doing the Figure Category?


New Member
Apr 14, 2011
I was just curious who all was competing in the "Figure" Category? I am entering using a 40K Assault marine model. I'm new to this hobby, I've only been modeling for a few months now, and this will be my first contest. I know I dont have much of a chance to win, but I was looking for any advice anyone would offer as I prepare my model. I have been posting videos on youtube of each step of my progress, my name on youtube is IBCRAZY8220 as well.
So far, and I may be missing some, it looks like a Sniper, a Sioux bust, at least one other figure.
But, like I said, I could be wrong/missing some
Hi ya fella ,yeah Im in with the Sioux Bust , but would be glad to help you if I can ;)

Also an Ithrandir bust, School girl figure and I saw a set of British medicines from Tamiya I think. Let’s not forget a Predator figure.
I'm thinking about it. Got an idea that might be useful for the contest.

But then again, between kit-bashing my Jagdpanzer E 100, another kit that's currently in the mail (intended for the armour category), and painting my Flames of War armies I don't know if I can make it...
I am in there as well... but the Resin I am working with is HArd like Porcelain !!! Chinese Industrial Resin...

My God ! it's like chiselling Stone !!!

Good luck to every one.... it's gonna be my First Figure !!! Beside those Scouts troopers...
I was lucky with Black and White.... this time its reptilian !!! Why ???? why ????

later guys !
Doing a Warriors kit or two. German SS. I need to actually start and get pics of my unbuilt kits and post em up!
I was thinking about tackling an old Aurora Planet of the Apes figure if I get my first project finished up.
The More I think about it the More I realize I haven't touch it... at all !

and it's a Monster of a Kit !!! I don't want to throw the Towel yet ! but

the days goes by and it's still in the Box... Virgin ! Hrs of Sanding and that Hard Resin
is killing me !!!

Maybe I 'll leave that for another day ???

will see how the other kit is doing and I'll commit to it later ?