A Dread-ful Affair - Building an Ork Giga Dread Diorama


New Member
Apr 2, 2011
Hi Scale Model Addicts!

I'm very excited to have joined SMA this month having been encouraged by SMConsortium to get involved and give the SMA Big Spring Contest a go! What a great opportunity to hold myself to a timeline and get some of these kits out of their wrapping and on display. I've been browsing everyones threads tonight checking up on some of my fav builds and am just so inspired by what I see that I thought I'd start my own thread to add to the fun.

Let me tell you a bit about my entry. Read on below or check out the Youtube video!


Firstly, Timekeeper (and apparently time traveler) Quincy says "it's April 2nd 2011!"



Again a big thanks to Chung from SMConsortium for the heads up! I'll be building a diorama featuring a few Games Workshop models from the Warhammer 40k line. Here are my sprues!


Included in the diorama are the new Blood Angels Storm Raven gunship and Furioso Dreadnought!



Also featured will be a kit-bashed custom Ork 'Giga' Dread, a designation of my own given that it will be larger than the 'Mega' Dread, the largest model currently available from ForgeWorld. This custom build will draw on parts from the Ork Killa Kans kit


and both the Ork Trukk and Stompa kits.


Also used will be parts from the recently released Terminator Salvation action figures.


All three models, Storm Raven, Dreadnought and Giga Dread will be featured in a diorama and entered into the 'Dioramas Category'. I will be building slowly over the next two months and will post regular videos to Youtube and replies to this this thread. Thanks so much for the energy and inspiration. I really appreciate the invitation to get involved and I hope to keep you entertained!


I too will be following along. Looking forward to seeing this as a finished dio. Good luck mate!
Hi Friends! Thank you all for your interest and enthusiasm. I really appreciate the kind comments!

Last week I dove into my bag of bits that arrived from Hoard 'O Bits. I won't go into detail in this post but if you are a fan of plasticrack you can watch me dive in here!

So then here is the second entry in the diary in which I begin blocking out components of the Giga Dread body.
Read on below or check out the Youtube video!


Here's the base I'll be using for the diorama. It is about 7" across and oval shaped. I stole it from my 9" DC Illidan Stormrage Action Figure. You can see a Space Marine Dreadnought by Games Workshop laying there for scale.


So I've begun the build much like Tony Stark, with the chest-piece ;) Only mine is powered by Orky magic. In this instance we've got an Ork Squig (think German Shephard meets Wild Boar?) running hamsterlike in an endless treadmill powered turbine. Here you can see I've used a Games Workshop squig model from the Ork Runtherder kit, unmodified at the moment but down the track he'll get a significant makeover with a change in body shape and added details like heart rate monitor and a severed arm on a stick, candied of course.


The turbine shell is created from pieces of a salt shaker, cut up with the Dremel and inverted. Lots of fun detail hidden away inside those things!


I've used chest parts from the smaller of the two Terminator Salvation action figures to create a cage for the treadmill. The Terminator action figure has also sacrificed his arms to be used as chassis mounts for the turbine frame.


l've also added some Orky details from the Games Workshop Ork Trukk kit to create a hatch door through which the Squig can exit after completing his gruelling shift.


The rear of the turbine now has some added detail to create the effect that the turbine is mounted within a gyroscopic frame. I've simply used the plastic threads from a drink bottle and the plastic band from the bottle cap to create mechanical detail. And I'll add more much later in the process.


Lastly here are some of the pieces from the Games Workshop Ork Deff Dread and Killa Kan kits that I'll be using to create a larger upper torso component. Wide enough to fit several characters including the Dread driver and his lackeys.


That's all for this update. Thanks again for your interest!


Looking really interesting. I initially thought you were sinking the dreadnought into the base as though it had been stomped by some big orky goodness!

Keep up the good work!

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