Tijuana Taxi in 1/24 by Monogram


New Member
Dec 31, 2011
OK, here's my entry, this is way out of my zone in fact I have never built a car ;D



The paper with today's date,


First thing to do is remove the chrome plating using super clean, then wash all the parts.
OK the chrome is gone ;D It took about three minutes to remove it all.



Parts are washed just need to let them dry and I will starting building.
This is a cool looking kit, it should be fun to watch it come together. Good luck and happy building Roy! :)
This is such a cool kit, so many things you can do to detail it up. Looking forward to this :)
Les, thanks for the kind words.

rookie, my plan is to build it out of the box. The only changes will be to open up the exhaust and some other stuff. I'm not a car guy so I would not know where to even begin to detail this thing ::) My goal is to focus on the painting and the finish product.
That's awesome Roy!! Roll with it!! Seem you are off to a sweet start too!!! ;)
Thanks, so far it is fun. I spent a good part of the day cleaning up parts. Need to spray some Alclad gray prime, Alclad gloss black and then some Alclad chrome 8) I hope to get that done in the next few days.
Not much updates. Just been cleaning parts and test fitting. There are a few things that need to be fixed to fit right. So far this is a fun build.

Here are the parts with the chrome removed:




Here is one improvement I have made. I removed the sprue from the piece on the left. The one on the right still has the sprue between the curls. I think the left piece is a big improvement. Still need to clean it up, mold seams.

Thanks, it does make a big improvement remove the sprue from inside the curls.
Oh this is very cool ;D i got one myself ,and a few others in that series :) .Looking forwad to the rest of the build .

Thanks Chris. I was looking for the Red Baron from the same group but the stopped back in 2011 :(
Got the curls cleaned up. There was a mold seam on both sides of the flat of the curl. I used a micro chisel, new 11 blade, microfile and flex sander.


The notch in the back of the curls mounts to some tabs on the back of the cab, the fit is OK. I was thinking to make things better by filling the notch, cutting the tabs off and mounting it directly to the cab. I was thinking of putting some small wire as pins to make the mount stronger. Any suggestions or comments?


I love these old funny cars... looks like you got a good handle on it so far. I don't know why everyone insists on stripping the chrome off all these types of models thou before building them. You're gonna end up re-chroming them in someway (bare metal foil, alclad, etc) right? I found that if you just give the chrome a good black wash it tones it down to make it look more natural and to scale. But since you already got the chrome stripped, no point in mentioning it now. I can't wait to see how this turns out... The only advice I can give ya about the curls to make them a bit more stury is try and fabricate them out of a strip of metal like the flattened part of a pen top (the older ones that had the metal pocket catches). You could flatten that out and then curl it into the same shape and it would give it alot more strength. I'd make myself a jig with a couple of nails to get the curves right for both of them. For that matter you could even make a cast of it in plaster and use melted solder to cast the peices. Solder may be soft, but once it's melted it is actually pretty strong. Can't wait to see how this goes thou! I'm sure whatever you end up doing will be awesome! :)