Terrain, how to

jaz avalley

Jun 3, 2022
In general, ie 'reallife' not sci fi I prefer a mud coloured base, then adding g static grass8ED5C706-C1EA-4468-9413-2D974E418589.jpegthe screw sets up a static charge which makes the grass stand upright
different textures build up to a believable finish
E75E39B3-9144-448B-B888-D3A276D3FDA6.jpegFoam can be carved adding specific features
13FEF579-FCC4-46A8-A051-106F6DD2677D.jpegTin foil and modelling medium can make small rock features,even old flour and water works, and so far has not attracted mice!
although these rocks are plastercast
AC03FA5C-C11F-4274-BA23-29FF4335F855.jpegWater works best with a decent paint job underneath, flowing water or ripples or a total fall
3C981405-B5FB-4411-8031-513D75D5C0D4.jpegReal sand, blue green brown base colour varnish painted waves
This scenery looks really good. I've always wanted to fiddle with static grass, but been too ignorant to know where to start.
Seeing a picture with screw in puts a lot into perspective, lol.
This scenery looks really good. I've always wanted to fiddle with static grass, but been too ignorant to know where to start.
Seeing a picture with screw in puts a lot into perspective, lol.
You can get cheapie machines made from what is essentially a flyswatter to much more expensive, you can just shake them in a plastic bottle (old coke or whatever) with plastic pieces this can cause enough friction to get some static, the screw is attached to a lead to the unit which when turned on sets up a current,, otherwise you can use larger grass sourced from actual dried grass seeds pinched together and placed in a drying medium, some people like a whole in foam as the glue pulls away easily with the grass standing
What voltage/currant is that tool running?
I have oodles of old power supplies kicking around, wondering if I can fabricate something.

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