New Member
May 18, 2010
Had this snap kit on my shelf for years and couldn't figure what to do with it until now.
It's going to be in the After-Life category as a Death Race PT.
Have to widen the fender to accept the larger wheels and chop the roof, widen and lengthen the roof
so the pillars are almost back in the regular positions.
Now to figure what type of weapons it will carry.

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This will be a sweet ride !!! ;D , i like the work so far ,nice job on the roof !.

Got the roof to fit properly and is now glued.
Now to work on the fenders.

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Jingles you are correct, I filled the large gaps and hollows with A+B putty.
Sanded smooth and a final layer of Tamiya putty to fill the imperfections that are left.

As for a weapon, I'm adding a 40mm cannon out the passenger side windscreen, it will look like a German Sturmgeschütz tank hence the name Sturmgecruiser
Got the roof aligned, glued and puttied.
Starting the armored body panels and fenders.

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Finally got some work done on the Cruiser.
Added the rear fenders and had to add plastic to the front body to have something to glue the front fenders to.

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Thanks guys....
The front fenders are a bit more tricky, trying to meld a square fender onto a curved body.
Workload has been crazy so progress has been slow. I'll post more pics soon.
The fenders are the most time consuming thing on this build. Once they are done it's all downhill from there.

MilitaryAircraft101 ...the main gun will be some sort of 40mm cannon/Borfors out the passenger windshield with maybe some smoke dischargers and an oil drum on the back to slick the roads to keep those pesky raiders off my tail.... ;D