In a funk


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2020
Man this sucks. I cannot get myself to sit down and work on anything right now. I typically take short breaks of a few days to a week in between builds but I've never shut down in the middle of a build and I can't seem to shake it. Been going on since a day or two before Thanksgiving. I've tried everything I can think of to shake it, with no luck. I'm hoping just posting about it here will get me back in the groove because it is bugging the heck out of me. I am perplexed to say the least. Anyone else run into this before and if so, what worked to get you out of it?
You have other things to work on ? Not necessarily scale model related -- or maybe workbench infrastructure , or organizing supplies , tools etc .
What does the wife want built ? LOL .

I always have endless other projects so I switch around amongst them , but I also don't care if a scale project sits for months or years .
You have other things to work on ? Not necessarily scale model related -- or maybe workbench infrastructure , or organizing supplies , tools etc .
What does the wife want built ? LOL .

I always have endless other projects so I switch around amongst them , but I also don't care if a scale project sits for months or years .
Straightening up and organizing things just might be the ticket. I do have quite a mess going on right now in my work space and it does always feel good to get things straightened up so I can mess them up again. The wife is not in need of anything being built LOL. When it comes to builds, I have to focus on one at a time or I'd never get anything completed. Tax season approaches for the wife and she will be busy busy busy and it's my premium time for the hobby so I gotta get back in the groove. Thanks for the ideas.
Yeah, I go in spurts, too. If you don't feel like it, you don't feel like it. Just remember that it's a hobby, so if you're not having fun, just wait, do other things, and eventually, you'll get the bug again.
Yeah, I go in spurts, too. If you don't feel like it, you don't feel like it. Just remember that it's a hobby, so if you're not having fun, just wait, do other things, and eventually, you'll get the bug again.
Just posting about it has helped my mindset and today I'm gonna straighten up my work area and see what happens.
I run on spurts of creativity these days it seems. Too many distractions and other things going on. Work, kids, wife, gaming, tiredness, etc. But there comes a point where my OCD will force me to work on projects that I like. Projects that are a slog take me forever and a day.
A tangential story...

My first full-time job out of school was for a telephone collection agency-calling debtors and telling them to pay their creditors (that's a whole 'nother story in its own right).

We used dunning names, aliases calculated to be as ethnically neutral as possible, to give the debtor no opportunity to turn the subject to our parentage. Guys had names like Bill, George, Jim, and the ladies were Sue, Beth, Nancy. Names were vanilla English names-Smith, Jones, Miller, etc.

My dunning name was.....
George Clinton.

And one day, I had to call some guy in Detroit over his Sears charge card.

"Hello, Mister So-and-So, this is George Clinton calling about your Sears card."
"George Clinton?! And the P-Funk All Stars?"
"Yep. Comin' down in the mutha' ship. Now about that Sears card..."
A tangential story...

My first full-time job out of school was for a telephone collection agency-calling debtors and telling them to pay their creditors (that's a whole 'nother story in its own right).

We used dunning names, aliases calculated to be as ethnically neutral as possible, to give the debtor no opportunity to turn the subject to our parentage. Guys had names like Bill, George, Jim, and the ladies were Sue, Beth, Nancy. Names were vanilla English names-Smith, Jones, Miller, etc.

My dunning name was.....
George Clinton.

And one day, I had to call some guy in Detroit over his Sears charge card.

"Hello, Mister So-and-So, this is George Clinton calling about your Sears card."
"George Clinton?! And the P-Funk All Stars?"
"Yep. Comin' down in the mutha' ship. Now about that Sears card..."
Here's some funk for ya if the link works
Is that the desk you work at or the one that just holds stuff?
That small area in the lower right hand corner, is where I was working at the time.
Sad, but true.
It has since been cleared and relocated as a matter of fact.
I had exactly this problem last year, a lot of personal stuff happened and I couldn't find any joy in anything I used to.
Two things that have helped me were finding a project that felt like it gave me some purpose/community, and a timeline. After that, trying something completely outside of my experience.

The project I found was:
(You can see the artist entries on Instagram)

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