how do i post photos

I use photobucket.
Write my prose then click enter for the next line.
Then click on the little landscape picture icon, above the smileys second from left.
You will get [img].
From photobucket click in Direct img second from top it should be highlighted blue after clicking.
click on COPY
back on the forums put the curser in between the img brackets if it is not already, right click and click PASTE.
The long code for the photo should appear in between the brackets.
Do REVIEW to make sure they appeared.

I usually have photbucket in another window so I can swtich back and forth with pictures easier.
I am a computer dope so if my explanation is wrong or someone can make it clearer, please do!
I look forward to seeing your work Cap'n
Welcome to your Nerd Herd Forums! Great to have you.
When you post, look for the Additional Option under the white text box, click the + and then click Browse in the Attach field. You are allowed 4 images per post, width and/or height of 800px per image and maximum total file size (all 4 combined) of 250K.

You can also link to images in Photobucket.
