HELP!!!! My glue spilt and melted my suspesion m10 1/35

ahmed malik

Jul 22, 2012
I bought a tamiya m10 and my revell contacts glue spilt on my table since it fell and I always forget to put the lid on,
And it completed melted the detail of the exposed part of my suspension (only 1 tho). But I am a newbie and do not have a big budget. I sculpted one from blu tack, and it looks ok, has anyone got a spare suspension or a way to dry blu tack so I can harden it. Pics will come tomorrow
Thanks in advance :'(
Blu tack won't harden anytime soon. You could use a two part putty such as Milliput, Aves, Tamiya epoxy or light curing putty.

It's an old kit so you may be able to find one on eBay or somewhere and you wouldn't even need it to be complete.
i cant afford a new model but milliput doesn't seem that bad. i could also use it for filling holes since revell plasto is terrible!
Milliput will take 3-4h to harden and a good 12 or more to fully Cure. have you taught about evergreen Stock and build one from that