HALP!! I just lost the ejection handle for my Hasegawa AV-8B Harrier II Plus.


New Member
Apr 21, 2015
I just lost the ejection handle for my Hasegawa AV-8B Harrier II Plus. It is item X17. Any suggestions?
I don't have a spare, sorry. I don't have one at all.

Could you scratch build it?
I can get the scale and size off of the sprue pictures, its actually making it. I've never scratch made a part the size of a babys fingernail before. I was thinking of getting it 3d printed. but that might be overdoing it.
have you tried to contact the company that makes the kit or visit their website... maybe they have a help section for this sort of thing.
Its really not that complex a part to scratch build. Get some EveryGreen styrene rod and have a go at it.
You can try : http://www.ipmscanada.com/partyard.html

Aircraft kit parts , partial kits -- pay mail fee
