
the Baron

Ich bin ja, Herr, in Deiner Macht
May 12, 2009
Hi, all!

I completely missed this, when it aired back in 2002. A buddy of mine lent me his DVD set, after I told him about the anime "Cowboy Bebop". I watched the whole series this week, and it's excellent. From the quality of the characters and the scripts, to the backstory and the Firefly universe, it stands above so much other sci-fi series.

I've read online the story of Joss Whedon's battle with Fox to get the show picked up, and how the network really had no clue how to handle it, and eventually cancelled it. And how loyal fans kept demand going.

Have yet to see "Serenity", but that's next.

Any other fans out there? And has anyone ever kitted any of the ships from the series, or do you know of anyone who ever scratched any of them?
Saw it on Netflix Instant Streaming and watched it on a whim...loved it!! Watched the entire series and was dying for more. The movie does a good job of wrapping up the loose ends that Fox left behind when they dropped the show...idiots!! Even got my wife hooked on it and she's not usually crazy about Sci-fi stuff!!

After you see the movie, I suggest picking up the two or three graphic novels (basically hardcover comic books)...especially The Shepherd's Tale which really gives you the background story behind Shepherd Book...great stuff!!

As far as I know, there is only a resin kit of Serenity...but it sure isn't cheap!!
The series is excellent and the movie is pretty good, watched it again as I made it required viewing.
When you watch the movie, there's a HILARIOUS bit of dialogue between Kaylee, Mal and Jayne near the beginning of the film. ;D I won't spoil it for you. ;)
I must admit that I never really got into the show. Some of the episodes were quite good but most were, I thought, rather meeeeh...

Perhaps the show would have been better if they had actually had time to develop the universe properly.
You'd like Cowboy bebop if you liked Firefly. I still think Whedon saw Bebop and came up with Firefly. But it was great show and movie. "I could stand to hear a bit more." 8)
I'm running through a second pass in the series, it's just really great. My buddy sent me "Serenity", too, so once I finish the series again, I'll watch the movie.

Yes, Gundamhead, I agree, the premises are a little similar, which is how my buddy Scott and I got on the topic in the first place :D Well, I think we started out talking about Maschinen Krieger and David Drake's Hammer's Slammers novels, then started to go through other sci-fi stories that have a "realistic" premise, that is, the universe is described/depicted in a way that is more realistic and plausible than in some others, and also, where the storylines themselves are well-written. I think of Heinlein, Philip K Dick, Arthur C Clarke, for example.

It is a real shame that "Firefly" was cancelled, and I still don't know how I missed it, when it aired. Maybe because it was Fox, and I really only paid attention to "The Simpsons" on that network.
I absolutely loved this series. It was cancelled way before its time. I'm really into the sci-fi/western concept...two of my favorite genres combined. It also had great dialog and some sharp humor.

Plus it featured Summer Glau....I'll be in my bunk. ;D
Watched Serenity for the first time last weekend and loved it. Man, River Tam can kick some ass!!! :eek: Need to go back and watch the series again.
I like Kaylee better ;)

Does anyone else know--does Joss Whedon put a kooky redhead in every series he does? There's Kaylee, and there was Willow in "Buffy". How about his other series?
Jdog71 said:
I absolutely loved this series. It was cancelled way before its time. I'm really into the sci-fi/western concept...two of my favorite genres combined. It also had great dialog and some sharp humor.

Plus it featured Summer Glau....I'll be in my bunk. ;D

LOL, that was a great scene Jdog!

I agree about the concept, it's a great one, and it's so consistently applied throughout the series. That's where a comparison to "Bebop" is really apt, too--having a distinct premise and sticking to it so well.

When I first watched FF, it reminded me of elements of stories like "The Outlaw Josey Wales", and "Wagon Train". I found myself "back-forming" the story lines in my head, that is, if this story or that one were set in the Old West, what would the movie look like. The Aliiance are Federals, of course (Kaylee even refers to "purple-bellies" in one episode, a version of the epithet former Rebs had for Yankees, "blue-bellies"), Reavers would be Indians (ever see "A Man Called Horse"?), and the crew would end up in some remote mining town, or head to the territorial capital. I could see [i[Serentiy[/i] as a river boat, or maybe a small wagon train.

And it's not just the story lines, but I think the actors were all well-cast and did very well with their parts.

Though, I can't see Wash, without thinking, "Steve the Pirate! Garrrrr!" :D
the Baron said:
Jdog71 said:
I absolutely loved this series. It was cancelled way before its time. I'm really into the sci-fi/western concept...two of my favorite genres combined. It also had great dialog and some sharp humor.

Plus it featured Summer Glau....I'll be in my bunk. ;D

LOL, that was a great scene Jdog!

I agree about the concept, it's a great one, and it's so consistently applied throughout the series. That's where a comparison to "Bebop" is really apt, too--having a distinct premise and sticking to it so well.

When I first watched FF, it reminded me of elements of stories like "The Outlaw Josey Wales", and "Wagon Train". I found myself "back-forming" the story lines in my head, that is, if this story or that one were set in the Old West, what would the movie look like. The Aliiance are Federals, of course (Kaylee even refers to "purple-bellies" in one episode, a version of the epithet former Rebs had for Yankees, "blue-bellies"), Reavers would be Indians (ever see "A Man Called Horse"?), and the crew would end up in some remote mining town, or head to the territorial capital. I could see [i[Serentiy[/i] as a river boat, or maybe a small wagon train.

And it's not just the story lines, but I think the actors were all well-cast and did very well with their parts.

Though, I can't see Wash, without thinking, "Steve the Pirate! Garrrrr!" :D

I picked up on some of the various references...haven't seen A Man Called Horse, though I should. Richard Harris is always good. I agree, the actors were perfect for their roles. I guess they're all still pretty close...maybe some day we'll see another movie or something. They could probably make enough money in donations from desperate fans to start a new series ;)

Have you seen Hell On Wheels yet? Its very derivative of Deadwood, but the premise is much simpler (and the acting not as good). Still beats just about everything on network tv. Plus its on after Walking Dead so it makes for a very enjoy Sunday evening.

Steve the Pirate ha! I saw him in 3:10 to Yuma a few days ago. He'll always be Wash though, like Jason Alexander will always be George. That's pretty impressive considering it was only 13/14 episodes.
Loved the TV series instantly. Loved a lot the movie.

And Mal is making kinda cameo in CASTLE, 2nd series I think, in a Halloween episode. Castle show himself in a costume, the costume of MAL, the real one, claming is a "space cowboy".

Castle Space Cowboy
OK, I HAVE to post my favorite bit of dialogue exchange in the whole film but since I don't want to spoil it for those that haven't seen it, highlight to read.

Kaylee: Goin' on a year now I ain't had nothin' twixt my nethers weren't run on batteries!
Mal: Oh, God! I can't *know* that!
Jayne: I could stand to hear a little more.
"Six men came to kill me one time, and the best of 'em carried this. It's a Callahan full-bore auto-lock. Customized trigger, double cartridge thorough gauge. It is my very favorite gun."

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