F4U-1 Corsair (Academy)


New Member
Dec 8, 2009
So while I'm closing to my B-26 Marauder, I started up a 1/72 F4U-1 Corsair. Off the bat, I'll going to scratch the exhausts at the bottom of the wings. I hate how it comes out of the box. Doesn't even LOOK like exhausts. LOL So that's one thing I'll be doing to this baby. Now that I got a bit more used to getting back into the hobby and have purchased a few more tools (more like replace them being lost or worn from years ago) should me my life a lot more easier and I'm going to start getting more detailed.

I'm started on the cockpit and panel. I want to scatch build some seatbelts. I was thinking using the masking tape thin or trying to mold them in with some magic-sculpt.

The cockpit and panel is a bit sloppy. I'll probably easy off it and start over it again when my new Solinsky Sable brushes comes in. My old brushes are all worn from painting minature gaming stuff a while back to the point where no matter what I do I can't keep a decent point on them. The clear coat built up too much using them from a can but now that I have stocked up on future I and put through my airbrush I can control it better.





Now this is the exhausts I'm talking about:
Nice start ! she is going to be a small one but... I trust you will
enjoy this build, keep us posted on your progress.

Very Nice.

The Controls do seem slightly simple though. you may want to consider upgrading it with photoetch accessories.

Very cool stuff there!
bttfspencer said:
Very Nice.

The Controls do seem slightly simple though. you may want to consider upgrading it with photoetch accessories.

Very cool stuff there!

There's not much details to what comes out of the box. I've been trying to find the resin cockpit for this model but it's gonna take a while to get to me. I've never worked with photo-etch stuff before. I'll check it out. Anyone have a link to a photo etch tutorial anywhere you like? Wanna see how exactly it works.

EDIT: Nevermind. Found a good article off the bat. lol thanks.
applying Photoetch details is very easy. Don't be intimidated by them just because they are small and cool. lol
Yeh, it seems easy enough. The good thing is I found a place (greatmodels.com) that sells it for my model and scale... the PROBLEM is it costs $9 which isn't the problem but shipping at $9. lol

I'd order more stuff but I just couldn't stand their search function and horrible organization of their website and just gave up looking for something to buy.
Bah, I caved and ordered a cockpit resin kit from a UK store. Gonna take a while to get here so this is going to be on hold for a few weeks.
DreamKnight said:
Bah, I caved and ordered a cockpit resin kit from a UK store. Gonna take a while to get here so this is going to be on hold for a few weeks.

Thats great, I hope it works out for you. Ive never worked with Resin, I will soon as I have ordered some upgrade sets for my Academy 1/48 F-111 C. We can learn together lol! ;D
The only drawback I've encountered working with resin parts is the dust from sanding--use a mask if you have to but just don't breathe it. Also remember that plastic cement won't work with it, you have to use cyanoacrylate glue (super glue). There is often quite a bit of flash to deal with, hence the warning about the dust. Other than that it's great, the detail in some sets is amazing.
Great, thanks for the advice. My Verlinden f-111 f set just came in, very cool stuff in one small package......
You're off to a great start, DK!

I see what you mean about detailing the exhausts. I've seen other builds in larger scale, where it was a necessity, too. A little plastic or brass tube will work wonders on those exhausts.

Wow. I'm sitting here complaining to myself about why it's so hard to find store that carry 1/72 aftermarket resin stuff. It's STILL small. Lots of details but it's lots of details in a itty bitty combined space! lol

So I finally got the resin cockpit set after three weeks. I think I'll try and stick with shops in the US here or find a UK store with UPS or FedEx options. 3 weeks to get it seems way too long. haha!

So here's the kit and I'll round back about to work on it a little later:


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