

New Member
Mar 18, 2024

after many years of doubt and questions ("can i afford this hobby?", "will i be good enough to at least have fun?") i finally decided to start scale modeling and i must say that after my first kit i'm so glad i did that.
Unfortunately for me i started with a not-so-beginner-friendly kit (a Ford Mustang GT4 from Tamiya) because after many weeks researching the topic and looking at Youtube videos i was sure it would have been a walk in the park (spoiler: it was not and the result was "meh", but who cares, i had a lot of fun).
i'll start a topic regarding it, hopefully you guys can teach me what i did wrong and how to improve. For now, i'm glad to be part of this community!
Welcome to the hobby and to the Herd!
Don't be afraid to ask questions, don't be afraid to make mistakes, and don't be disappointed if your builds don't look like the ones you see online or in magazines. It takes time, and the guys who built those picture-perfect models didn't spring from the womb able to build like that. They practiced. And don't forget to have fun. That what a hobby is all about.
I look forward to seeing your builds!
Best regards,
Tamiya kits are easy kits no matter the subject. Calling it a "not so beginner friendly" kit is a bit harsh. Tamiya kits are well engineered, not complex.
Welcome!!!!! Dig deep I to the older posts and ask plenty of questions...... yes it's a support group..... ;)
Keep in mind: some kits you build, some kits build you.
Howdy! The only thing you did wrong was started with a more expensive kit as a "starter" kit. Any techniques you learn here will apply to every kit, so get one a little cheaper to practice on. The fun will still be there and it won't be long you won't care how much they cost because you will be confident you can tackle it.

It's just a plastic model no matter what it cost.


after many years of doubt and questions ("can i afford this hobby?", "will i be good enough to at least have fun?") i finally decided to start scale modeling and i must say that after my first kit i'm so glad i did that.
Unfortunately for me i started with a not-so-beginner-friendly kit (a Ford Mustang GT4 from Tamiya) because after many weeks researching the topic and looking at Youtube videos i was sure it would have been a walk in the park (spoiler: it was not and the result was "meh", but who cares, i had a lot of fun).
i'll start a topic regarding it, hopefully you guys can teach me what i did wrong and how to improve. For now, i'm glad to be part of this community!
Hi and welcome to the forum. Post lot's of photos. The members here are great for help and advice. Pantherman

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