Academy F6F-5 HELLCAT 1/72

Definitely progressing nicely.
Interested to know why you're using the crazy glue, though
Quaralane said:
Definitely progressing nicely.
Interested to know why you're using the crazy glue, though

I'm using it to hold the fuselage together while the liquid cement dries.

austin132010 said:
Quaralane said:
Definitely progressing nicely.
Interested to know why you're using the crazy glue, though

I'm using it to hold the fuselage together while the liquid cement dries.


that's a great idea. Never thought of it.
Great work on that Hellcat Austin!! You show a lot of patience and skill with your masking and painting technique. The paint job came out fantastic! Sharp, clean lines with nice depth from the preshade. Excellent work my friend. You definitely got game!!
Nice work on the videos, and on the paint there.

I've gone in and merged the two topics.
Tidy work there Austin ,she's looking great buddy . Nice job on the vid's too .

Don't know why this was moved but... OK ! :p

First... your paint peeling issues !

If you used normal masking tape.. that could be ONE of the causes...
Your primer paint might not had the chance to cure completely or there was surface contamination!
either from left over mould release ! or sanding dust or finger print contamination !

Sometimes.... if you spray your Primer or Paint from too far away, the paint will dry before it hits the model surface and won't have a chance at etching itself in ! but those are just speculations.... since I don't really know HOW you proceeded !

(Tamiya) Masking tapes is one of the best tape... bar none ! it is a really good investment... Only use it for Masking Canopies or Body panels... don't waste it on Holding down parts while Glue is setting...
Normal Masking tape or Painter's Tape is good enough for that...

You did a great Video ! BTW !

Don't be afraid to ask question if any? We all been doing this for sometime now !!!
and I think you should plan to build your own Spray booth... I don't like Youth spraying Enamels on their Desk... bad for your HEALTH buddy !!! I understand it is hard to FILM in there... but believe some of the OLD modelers... HEALTH is No1 !!!

I build mine from left overs for under 45$....

Keep up the good work... my young friend... your Navy bird was pretty cool to watch coming together!

Soon you will have US... shaking in our boots...
