the SS Rabid Empanada -- a spontaneous scritash


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2013
Greetings ;D

So - for those not following the Giraffe thread - Jason Abbadon has Jedi mind swayed me into building this ...

I'm calling it a Scritash because though it's technically a scratch-build , the major elements are from a 1/72 Revell Space Shuttle with ISS payload .

The starting point for this is nowhere -- Just so it has something to do with NASA and it's got some color . For the holidaze . ... and so Jason can get his NASA fix ;D . ::)
- and all material must come from the pile . except glue and paint of course ;)

at first I was thinking some kinda wheeled vehicle , but then I figured I'd be nicer to Mr Abbadon . ;D

I dumped out a random parts bin :


Turned out to be a lot more than it first looked :


This needs to be a rapid build -- so I glued the Shuttle bay doors together to get some-kinda form going :
and then played around with layouts .
I have the entire build in my head and it would be assembled already but for the need to do a LOT of seam work FIRST .

Out of all that ' stuff ' , I'm using what's below .
Not all the little stuff at the rear . Only what's needed :


More tonight ;D


Every time I see these ( halves for the ISS module ) I think of the Hoth power generators :eek:


The Empanada is being 1/620 scale if that helps 8)

Lot of putty work .

Very much reminding me why I avoid Revell . .

All I did for prep on the " tanks " was sand off the equators where they were too nasty .


First of 4 coats , white primer :


Closed off the port end of the hull


I'm leaving the other end open until I have the windows in .

The plan is to take slices from the edge of this lighter -( 2 mm wide X 6 mm tall = ~4' X 12' @ scale ) -
to fit the openings .
.. so they'll "bulge" out since the profile is different but I think it will work .

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The support for a base is installed :

Nutted and epoxied in

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She'll start taking shape tomorrow

Night !
Very Cool ;D

Nice to have an eager audience .

Be posting some more pics in a couple hours .

All right all right 8)

Not as far as I was hoping to get but I'm happy .

Finished the base connection :
( pieces from 1/72 U-boat ??? )


ISS module from 1/200 Shuttle by Hasegawa , chunk of PVC fall-off , pellet-gun pellet and a bead


More 1/72 Uboat parts and the remaining pellets .
There were JUST enough pellets to do what I wanted ;D ...


... building directional maneuvering thrusters to mount at the port end ..


.. and the lifeboat to be mounted @ the starboard end ..


The thrusters are mounted in Aves , so I'll need to finish 'em up tomorrow .


Slowly solvent welding this conning tower spray shield to the port end :


I really like the shape produced by these doors . quite serendipitous :eek:


I haven't decided what I'll do with the 'divided' windows .
It's from the hinge sections .
I'll probably just make them like the others - but I'm leaving them alone for now , since half the steering wheel is in the Empanada's hand as well ;)
I like the contrast -- it going to depend on how this lighter dissection goes ;D :p


I was hoping to have all the fuel and oxidizer tanks attached , but ,

You can see where this is headed ;)


I've decided that she's a luxury sightseer .
Like 4 giant sky-boxes with a SPECTACULAR view .

Thanks , Quaralane ;D

Time to add some interest ..

Pipes and greeblies for around the engine assembly .


Plenty of molecules in the pile :
-- I think I'll experiment on stiffening the bootlace and bending some sprue .
I can use some of that wire , but it needs some heavier piping ...


I think it will be cool to have the sleekness of the hull offset with the busy textures on the engine

there's these greebles too :


.. already some wire-wrapped-wire there @ upper right :D -- some unused MaK construction ...

So cool! It's a joy watching you bring this to life from bits and pieces

I was just thinking that you could scratch a big electromagnet on a boom and make this for clearing space junk- you could have whatever scraps left over "magnitized" to the magnet as space debris- wasting nothing in the build!
You could even chop up the used back of the decal sheet, spray it gold or silver for cast off foil debris!

Well , we still have the Orbiter's arm :


I'm sure now that I'm not using it ( almost heated up and started bending it for piping :p ) So it will be available for the next one of these . . all the unused got dumped back into another bin .

Shake-N-Bake ! ;D :eek:

more pics late tonight ;)

Quick Empanada Update !

Better late than later ;D

Added some plumbing to the forward face of the engine .

I used the long length of wire and the small bits of coat-hanger wire . Both species are way too tough to bend for this small work -- but what are ya gonna do ? :p
( sorry - I accidentally erased the pre-primer pics ) : I blobbed down some 5 min epoxy where the wire connected to blend it together - - you know ; cheating :eek:


BTW , that intermediate section is from this :


.... might be using the remainder in the bridge . ??? ::)

Be adding more plumbing to the tail-end of the engine after it's attached to the hull .
I'm attempting to stiffen these pieces of string with Future - then maybe surface primer :


.. Those , with help from some greebles , should suffice ..

Here's the hull currently :


Next pics this tonight of the assembled whole ;D

Merry Monday !

Thanks , Quaralane ;D
I'm really enjoying the build and appreciate ya'lls input for sure 8)

I decided to add the bootlaces to the mix .
It's going to take repeated Dunk-&-DryZ TM to get them stiff enough to hold their shape , but we have time ;)


assembled some parts in a quest for some top-side sumthin :

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Decided to spray the life-boat with tinted Future ;D
Orange and yellow dyes .. straight atop the flat white primer ..

first orange


then yellow


I started increasing the dye concentration --- I'll continue back&forth till it looks right .

I started thinking : " why not do the entire model that way " --just Future for the future 8) ;D

I have Yellow , Orange , Blue , Green and Black dyes on hand :)

I like the added layer of constraint . :D

-- She'll be known around the solar system as " The Tie-Dye Cruiser " ;D ;D

Here's how she'll be configured :
I decided to leave the engine detached until it and the hull are painted just to make it easier -- so it's all just sitting on the stands here - - and not quite aligned


So I started sitting the " bridge " around :

Center Right Left


But I wasn't liking any of it :p :p :p

Then I tried it on the bow -- where I currently have a couple possibilities using the MiracleGrow spoon or some thingy from the pile made in Germany ..

,... but I kinda liked this setup :


It can of course be rotated any which-way axially ..

Tell me what ya think -- or feel ;D


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