Identify models, opened sealed box from 1987


New Member
Nov 25, 2024
I was clearing out an attic and found a sealed moving box, inside were a bunch of assembled models wrapped in newspapers from 1987. The models are likely from 60's, 70's and 80's and I know they were built by kids and teenagers of different generations. And some of the 80's models were played with as toys.

I took photos of them all, and I thought I would post some of them here. Just for fun.
I will likely dump all of them in the trash, or try to give them away.. I'm guessing there are no rarities that deserve preservation.
Feel free to identify anything you recognize, with maker or not, time period, or if you have a related story/memory to tell.

Feel free to identify anything you recognize

Great post! Brings back lots of memories.

I wanna say that #11 bottom left is a Corgi ( but I can't be sure) die cast Tiger tank.
Of course I had painted mine desert camo, but the way the cannon is attached to the turret looks awfully familiar. I do remember admiring it and others in the display case at a downtown model shop on O'Connor (important information that an 11 year old would have had to memorize!) that I would ride the #61 bus to get to.

This would have been in the late 60s, early 70s, with many hours lying with my head on the floor to get that 'perfect', realistic perspective.

Just the fact that it was so heavy compared to my Airfix 1:76 British models and figures really made it seem invincible! :eek:
Don't chunk 'em in the garbage. I might can use some of them tiny parts on my Galactica build. I'll take 'em at the point you decide to throw them away.


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