flow aid


New Member
Sep 3, 2010
i am having trouble with brushing my acrylics any suggestions on a good flow aid would be appreciated thanks
I use Liquitex Flow Aid with my Tamiya acrylics, a drop or two is all it takes. Most Art stores should have it. I got mine at Micheals. Also the right thinner makes a big difference too. I've had greater success since switching to 95% isopropyl alcohol with my Tamiya acrylics. FOr MM I use MM Acryl thinner,
i am using tamiya acrylic thinner for my tamiya and my model masters so you get a better results with just 95% iso alcohol i will try that maybe i just paint too slow lol i will look for the liquitex flow aid and give it a go thanks for your help
it's been my exerience that you may want to use the testors acylic thinner with their paints. Tamiya thinner messes them up for me. I just recently started using a 50/50 mix of tamiya thinner and isopropyl alcohol with my tamiya paints, they work a bit better.
I haven't had toomuch luck with flowaid, though, i've only played with it a few times.
i have only used the tamiya thinner one time with model master paints and it didnt give me any trouble i will keep that in mind for sure thanks