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  1. D

    First model in 42 years. How time flies!

    Welcome. Looks just fine to me. A. Always B. Be M. Modeling
  2. D

    Acrylic paint from 1980s

    Thanks for all the replies. I honestly can't remember. It may have been Pactra, it may have been Polly Scale or some other brand. The jars from the pics are familiar but that's about it. I was 14 or 13 when I "found" these painrs. I'm 52 now. I didn't have an airbrush at the time and brush...
  3. D

    Acrylic paint from 1980s

    Thanks. I don't think it was Pactra. But the jars look identical from looking at pictures on line
  4. D

    Acrylic paint from 1980s

    Wondering if anyone may remember the brand name of a certain type of paint. I doubt it's produced any longer. They were in small glass jars, somewhere between the size of Testors and Tamiya. The paint itself flowed beautifully with a brush. Fact, that's why I began using them because Tamiya was...
  5. D

    Completed Stug Iii

    Now I move on to the figure provided with the kit
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  11. D

    Jerry cans

    Hilarious I mean put a dab of oil paint on it and use thinner to give a hint if fading/streaking.
  12. D

    Jerry cans

    Jerry cans I'm going to put on the back of my stug iii. Do you think they can use some oil streak?
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  14. D

    Almost finished with my new build.

    Thanks for the good words. I'm hesitant when it comes to chipping so I always think it's overdone. I like chipping as an artistic technique but not as a representation of reality. It's rare to see a military vehicle chipped up as badly as you see some models. Of course there are...
  15. D

    Almost finished with my new build.

    Some pics attached. Think I went over board on the oil streaking and interior chipping. Any comments or advice appreciated. This is my 2nd build in 35 years! Thank you
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