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  1. Andy the Sheep

    SMA What's New In Your Stash?!?

    I fully agree. TAKOM kits are very detailed, the fit is very good but with many small parts and instructions not always well engineered, printed a bit too small (at least to my eyes). A thorough study of the instruction is a must throughout the building process and dry fit of sub-assemblies is...
  2. Andy the Sheep

    What do you snack on

    Those waffles, in Western alps, are called "gofri", you can get them salted (usually filled with ham, cheese and/or speck) or sweet (honey or jam), served hot and they have a diametre of 30 cm more or less (better if more... ;)).
  3. Andy the Sheep

    My 1st and only attempt at a 120mm

    My opinion: he's re-loading his M2 by pulling the coking lever? Nice kit and nice job ; a leather flight jacket would be a real nightmare to me.
  4. Andy the Sheep

    Tamiya 1/48 Spitfire Mk1

    I have that kit in my stash and I'm considering to get the Eduard "bling" so... I'll follow your build with interest. Andrea
  5. Andy the Sheep

    SMA What's New In Your Stash?!?

    Are you going to moor her at your local yacht club? What a kit! Are you going to post a thread?
  6. Andy the Sheep

    Model Victoria 1/35 Italian alpino

    Thank you Ski. Figures is not my favourite choice but I needed something more relaxing than a kit as my bench time is influenced by real life troubles (if 2024 was awful, January 2025 is :eek::mad:o_O ) Luckily there's our hobby!
  7. Andy the Sheep

    Model Victoria 1/35 Italian alpino

    Glad you like it. Many thanks.
  8. Andy the Sheep

    Model Victoria 1/35 Italian alpino

    This is the final results of my efforts. I must thank Model Victoria very nice details as the main merit belong to their quality, not to my skills.
  9. IMG_1923.JPG


  10. IMG_1925.JPG


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  12. IMG_1929.JPG


  13. IMG_1932.JPG


  14. IMG_1933.JPG


  15. IMG_1934.JPG


  16. Andy the Sheep

    Honey, I shrank the tank! Bronco CV3/33

    I don't want to be a niggler in giving unrequested advice (If so, I beg your pardon) and I'm not diving into the tank colour rabbit hole (any desert yellow will fit) but the Italian tankers overall was blue (as a reference think of the classic lightly washed indigo of the well known jeans brand...
  17. Andy the Sheep

    Zoukei-mura 1/32 Fw 190 A-4

    I read on another forum some times ago, and got stuck in my mind, that ZM kits have such tight fitting that even a thin layer of paint can create problems like yours.
  18. Andy the Sheep

    Revell 1:72 T55A, my first tank

    It looks like a nice kit. Enjoy your first tank and remember that with tanks if something goes wrong mud and dirt often if not almost always offer an easy way out ;)
  19. Andy the Sheep

    Hello from Poland

    A warm (well, not exactly as we are below 0° today)welcome Sebastian from "down south"
  20. Andy the Sheep

    Andy's Tamiya 1/35 M1A2 Operation Iraqi Freedom

    They are from Aber, Edbert. They are glued to the kit antenna bases, I just bended them using my fingers and painted dark green. The cable securing them to the turret is from stretched sprue. I added a small piece of thermic rubber tube (those used to seal electric cables junctions) to the base...