I love your attitude. Good on you to shut his mouth at a show. Sometimes these blowhard judges needs to be put in its place. I’ve gone to numerous shows and seen a lot of great entires from master builders to junior builders. All great builds.
It's not a terrible kit. You're simply losing focus and confused. I believe you're having a hard time understanding and comprehending how to build the kit.
I found the instruction guide on scalemates. It's not all that hard at all.
OK… I’m at a loss with your statement.
It's clearly shows how and where it's suppose to go…. in that slot where the arrow points to it. I don't understand how you can't see it.
I don't think it's the instruction guide is terrible as you say it is. I honestly believe you're having a hard time...
Huh? Why would she say that? What does the military or the Dept. of Defense has to do with anything you’re building /painting it your way? Just follow the instruction guide and choose whatever option you want. If you want to paint it pink and purple, have at it.
Take it slow. Fit first before gluing. Double check your parts number. Some look identical but used for opposite sides or elsewhere.
Relax, read your instruction guide carefully, make sure you have the right part before gluing. It takes some discipline. Once you learn that, it’ll be easier to...
I would have left it unpainted. You’re not gonna see inside once the fuselage is closed up.
One simple advice… always fit your major parts first before gluing. Similar to measure twice, cut once. LOL !
A few of my model kits have met the flak hammer, tossed, and one case accidentally dropped and stepped on it. Most of the time it’s my mojo going to crap. I lose focus. It happens. Take a breather away for awhile.
Yeah.. the downside of that 1500 primer stuff is very stinky. A mask is highly recommended. Great for filling in minor gaps too. Goes on silky smooth. Styrylenz stuff in my opinion are a mixed bag. Some folks like them, some don’t.
As I’ve always mentioned, I rarely use primer unless I’m using...