My alterd GW figures.

The Swedish DR. Plastic

Pleas enter, the day has gone to hell any way.
Mar 10, 2014
Hi guys, here i was planing on showing my altered GW figures.

So starting of is my Canis Wolf-born, I was trying to paint the wolf's texture like it has on th GW photos. But i newer succeeded, so i just panted it white.

I Gave it a replacement earing for the left ear.

Gave it an antenna behind the right ear.

Filed of and replaced the skulls whit some that came whit another box. And replaced the chain in the mouth.

Here is an older but a bit brighter image before i glued the stuff back.
My second is my Corpse cart.

I still got some work left on this, but for now I'm satisfied how it turned out.

It was a bit tricky to get the chain in there but i finally managed it.

So as you can see there are some bits and peaches left.
My next is Not exactly an altered model its just an extra peas of scenery, and it is for the Arcane Ruins.


And as you can see it's the image i have as my avatar.


Started whit 2 peaches of balcony parts, and 2 cannibalized skull wall parts and one floor peas.

The book stand is a slaughtered part from a space-marine motorcycle, the book itself is scratch build whit styrene. Extra bling from a space-wolf box, and i think the flag is from the same box. Oh and of course the 4 gargoyles.
And not exactly a alteration But i just wanted to show you what used to look like this...
Now look like this...
Hi guys, Just uploaded a few videos on You-Tube.




So do pleas stop bye.
Hi M8!

I would say your figures are a realy good starting point to develop your skills.You have all the basic colors on the figures but they are missing some shading.Try out the GW washes! They are superb stuff and easy to use and there are tons of vids on youtube how to use them.
About the wolf fur. Here is a good vid how to make them like on the box art.But for the easiest way you good just use some washes on the fur to give it more definition.

If you are interested i can put up some pics about my stuff where i used wahses and drybrushing only to shade and highlight my gw models.Just so you can see what u can achieve with some realy easy technics.