I'm still waiting on my mask set so I can paint the outside. But there's always tons of little things to do. Here's this some of the stuff what I've been doing. Mostly that nitpicky boring stuff that we like so much! I also included a couple pictures of where I paint. I paint outside under the patio. I don't have any fan system. I figure I'm out back Breeze is blowing and I'm wearing my respirator. Remember I'm old school. Paint brush and spray cans, yeah buddy. But I'm a retired Carpenter who has at least three compressors hanging around. And what I keep all my painting supplies in is an old tote I got at Walmart or somewhere at least 20-30 years ago. I bought three of them. One holds cooking supplies pots and pans. One holds the bedding and tent and the other holds food. I used to Camp all the time. Fish. Backpack. Good Times. But now they're just sitting in my garage at least one of them empty. What to do with it? So I turned it on its side and prop the lid up installed a little piece of wire that way if I want to I can hang up my light out here. And if we ever get a haboob, which is several times in the summer, I can just close the lid up. So I will post more pictures especially when I'm painting the outside that should be kind of neat. Oops. I got off tangent. Old school paint. I never thought I would own an airbrush but here I am. I got on YouTube and I did not want to spend a hundred bucks so I bought the cheapy Neo Echo from China. 40 bucks. And yes the guy was right it did come with a lot of extras that do come in handy. But I used it four five six times and it broke so I said the hell with it and bought a badger Patriot 105. That is a nice airbrush for what I need it for. Not small little details I don't do portraits or nothing like that but when I want to lay down some paint and switch between colors in a jiffy? Perfect for what I need it for. Do you think Badger will send me their top-of-the-line airbrush since I promoted their product? Dream On.