CROWD NUMBERS can be illusive


Active Member
Sep 17, 2022
Crowd numbers can be illusive. The first time I experienced this phenomenon was while painting a beach scene many decades ago.
Mainly Manly - sml x 86 figures.jpg
After painting 86 figures I got tired of the task and very disappointed on how void the scene still was of people.

Decades later (now), I am about to face the same crisis of painting hundreds of figurines for a large small-scale diorama. It really did not hit me until I unpacked several hundred figurines and sorted them out into their poses. . . (my ice cube tray came in handy).
030- figurines x 700.JPG
Somewhat in disbelief I decided to research 'how many people make a crowd'.

This is what I found out.
crowd numbers.jpg
I really feel sorry for those war games modellers.

To find out more... Crowd Density