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  1. Palantirion

    My first OSL

    This was a cheap resin kit from eBay, roughly 1/12 scale, hollow cast with no back. I used styrene to make the back plate, otherwise not much prep but sanding and re-boring the hole for the support rod. Most of the paint is drybrushing over a black primer, with some stippling and washes also. I...
  2. Palantirion

    Green Stuff vs. Apoxie?

    In minifig construction vids I've noticed a lot of use of Green Stuff to fill gaps. I've only used it twice, so I can't claim to be experienced, but I found it more difficult to work with and not dry as hard or bond as well as Apoxie Sculpt or Magic Sculpt (both of which I've used a lot). They...
  3. Palantirion

    My first mini, that isn't a mini, but it's kinda mini

    Hello. My first post on this forum, and my first "mini". Technically this is a plastic model kit, but in roughly 1/144 scale it's the same size as mini figs and the same painting techniques are appropriate. Is is mecha? armor? a mini figure? Yes! I most often paint on canvas (and two cars), but...
  4. Palantirion


    Hello! I am a longtime artist, branching out into modeling, figure repair and mini painting.